Dec 09, 2009 10:19
It is not to scold or to lecture that I make this post today, and any mentions of the law shall only be made in passing at best--therefore, to those of you currently reaching for the 'next post' button, it would do you well to hear out what I've chosen to say this time.
It has occurred to me many times over the last year that those imPorted to this City have been forced to leave behind family and friends, stranding them amongst strangers--often in a world vastly unlike their own--and expecting them to cope with the situation with little to no problem.
This time of year can be... unpleasant, at best, even for those of us who have managed to secure something of a normal life for ourselves; for those who struggle on a daily basis to feel anything other than alone, a holiday based on giving and the joy of companionship is merely so much salt in a rather raw wound.
To that end, Remus and I have decided to declare that between the hours of 6 and 10PM on December 23rd, the house at [location]--often referred to in jest as 'Moonybase'--will become a neutral zone in which any imPort harboring a desire to attend a large feast will be allowed to spend said hours among those who understand the unique, and often trying, situation in which we have all found ourselves--without fear of either harm or jail time. The only two exceptions to this rule shall be the imPort known as 'The Joker' and the one named 'Larfleeze'**; all others now have an open invitation.
However, to ensure the safety of all involved, we will be checking everyone in at the door; anyone deemed to be acting suspiciously or harboring unacceptable motives for attending will be denied access. I can assure you that those who show up will be remembered, so please, do not make this difficult for anyone.
Furthermore, I also refuse to tolerate any infractions of the following guidelines within the confines of the property; while it would be foolish to expect that those in attendance would be capable of a perfect peace (or, indeed, in some cases, anything greater than a frosty silence), anything beyond serious debates or harmless confrontations and competitions will be punished by teleportation off-premises, immobilization, or temporary transfiguration.
No fighting, no out-of-control arguments, no threats, and no attempts to make an arrest will be considered acceptable until the involved parties have vacated the property--at which time they may resume their dramatics as they so please. There shall be no leniency on this matter; this dinner is to be an escape for any that require one, not a reminder of our daily lives.
It is not required for anyone to possess religious beliefs of any kind to attend, as this is meant only in reference to the holiday's sentiment, rather than the dictates of the accompanying dogma. Nor will you be forced to listen to endless caroling, stories of any kind, or endearing 'stop-motion' human entertainment regarding the season, although those of you who do wish to interact in such manners may certainly do so. Gifts to anyone in attendance are not required, and neither is assistance in any fashion other than your arrival, civil behavior, and understanding of the appropriate time to return to your homes barring host request; if you choose to make efforts of any kind in those directions, that is your own decision. We will respect your choice, whichever way you wish to make it. Those who appear solely to eat and leave will be as appreciated as those who offer to clean or entertain.
For those of you with unusual requests for dishes you would like to be served, or specific dietary requirements, we will attempt to make some kind of accomodation to your needs if you notify us as soon as possible; we request that you keep these things relatively simple, in consideration for time needed to prepare for the other guests. Furthermore, if there prove to be enough in attendance, we will make efforts to provide as much comfortable extra space as possible by means magical or otherwise; any imPorts capable of and willing to assist in this matter are requested to notify us ahead of time of their intentions to help.
Please do respond with notice of intent to attend before December 21st if at all possible, to allow us the necessary time to appropriately prepare. Last-minute changes are welcome, but generally not considered preferable.
We truly hope to see a great many of you present at this affair. If there are any further questions, either Remus or myself will answer them to the best of our ability; you need only ask.
Miles A. Edgeworth, Remus J. Lupin.
Ruka, Rua.
**Should either of these entities at some other point express an interest in attending this dinner, we will respectfully decline their request; however, they may be provided with food through magical transport at some distant location.
† miles edgeworth | the law