I know there are people here who have experience with being... subverted, brainwashed, controlled, whatever you call it. Having your actions influenced by something outside of your control. I'd like to know how you deal with something like that, after the influence is gone. I know it's a very personal question, but this is something I don't know much about. I'd appreciate any information.
I'm putting in a requisition for armor-piercing ammunition. The next time I have to deal with mechanical hostiles, I don't want it to be that hard. I'm also gonna need some repairs done to the car.
S.T.A.R.S, for those of you who don't know yet, we have a new member. Sheldon Sands is going to be our intelligence and undercover specialist from now on; Obi-Wan, that means you're off the hook for having to shave your beard again. I'm going to be running a group training exercise sometime soon so we can work on our coordination; I was thinking about renting some time at a paintball place and going through some scenarios there. Let me know when you're all available and I'll set it up.
Elisa, have you seen
this? [Link is IC]