text : insomnia is delicious : link is not IC

Oct 05, 2010 01:30

I and other 'imported' students at the City Academy of the Arts have been asked to advertise this semester's upcoming production to the rest of the Import population. I suppose a general ad just wouldn't do.

On the weekend of October 29th, 30th, and 31st, the freshman and sophomore classes will be performing a production of Dracula: The Musical as directed and produced by the senior class.

Patrons are encouraged to dress up, particularly on the final night for obvious reasons.

As an aside, while I'm not sure if any other Imports attend the school, it's worth mentioning that many of the minor roles are in a state of flux. Actors and dancers are most needed, singers next after that.

Thank you.

[[Private to Rue]]
Can I have a word with you?

† fakir | n/a

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