Oct 27, 2010 20:55
[The com jumps on, revealing Crow in his riding suit, frowning slightly annoyed before actually focusing at the camera.] So it's this place again, huh?
Can't say the porter has gotten any better at timing, I already got my share of crazy magic and weirdness for this week. [He sounds annoyed and tired; his not quite healed shoulder still hurts from pushing it in order to duel against Team Catastrophe and he is disgruntled about not being able to help out against Ghost. Not to mention all that strange 'We are the organisation that shapes the world'-crap those Illiaster bastards had sprouted.] Hell… not my call either way, right?
[He shakes his head, voice caught between worried and hopeful when he speaks up again.] So… Ruka, Rua, Aki? You guys okay? Kiryu?
[He stops the feed at that, only to edit his post three minutes later, hissing in pain and annoyance and carefully rubbing his left shoulder as he speaks up again.] Hey… could anyone point me to the next pharmacy from the porter building, please? Guess I gotta get bandages again. Stupid shoulder…
† crow hogan | black bird