Nov 02, 2010 13:16
-p, hey!
[so vidya kicks in apparently set on blair witch mode on account of the fast spinning and shaking of the world set to the sounds of hitting concrete amdist pedestrian traffic.
clink, clack, clack, rattle...shaking to a stop face-up, giving one a grand tour of assorted strangers' crotches as they step over on until zel's (TOTALLY 100% CURED) hand darkens everything in a scramble to swipe it back.
zel's (TOTALLY 100% CURED STILL) face is next, uncovering the screen. he's mildly annoyed by this, with a bit of mud spattered on his cheek and forehead (not to mention his ratty old hoodie). assorted pedestrians walk over and by, give looks, make remarks, etc...
he gives the screen a sour, this-is-your-fault look before cupping it again and turning it off.]
zelgadis | greywords