[Reilly/Thinks You're Cute]
[ Who is... breathing right into the communicator, angrily, as he glares at it. ] Okay, why does it keep doing that?
Uh. Sorry. Just-- thought I should let everyone know I'm not-- [ Long, deep, weary breath. ]
There's only one thing I want to know. I'm beyond useless without my powers. As I was reminded rather... throughly. So someone tell me, please, what I can do against that so-called clown. The people who were in the warehouse-- whoever he targets next-- I owe them that.
Just because I don't have powers doesn't mean I don't have a responsibility.
That's, that's all.
[ Private to Danny Rand ]
Thanks, and... I'm sorry. I-- I can come back to work as soon as you need me.