Jan 12, 2011 11:20
[The feed opens facing the ground, blurred and moving, glimpses of dress shoes and concrete.]
Hey! Ma'am! Ma'am!
[The feed swings up roughly, focusing on a very startled looking middle-aged woman in a winter jacket. She's on a city sidewalk. Behind her is a fundraiser booth, occupied by several other bewildered individuals. They might as well be staring at a wild cat in a three piece suit. The sign on the booth reads DONATE TO DOLVANIA PLAGUE RELIEF. A small crowd has gathered.]
Ma'am, I want you to tell these nice people what you told me.
[The woman hedges, glances off camera. She fidgets with her gloves.]
Dolvania... is... a real... country.
[The Narrator snaps the camera back and turns it on his own face. Oh, how he looks like a frazzled mess.]
You see? Now everyone's going to laugh at you. Now-- Hey! HEY! Don't you leave! I'm not done with you yet. HEY!
[The camera swings in a way that would make anyone motion sick. It catches his free hand reaching for her jacket. She jerks away. The screen swings down to the sidewalk again. Somewhere in the background, a man calls.]
Yeah, go call the police! They'll expose your scam! I'm doing this City a service! THIS IS ILLEGAL! You fucking morons. [Beat. Someone yells, inaudible.] Yeah, I bet that's your wife. What are you looking at? What are you--
[WHAM. The feed cuts off.]
(ooc: replies will be a little slow at first!)
† n/a | the narrator