(Sorry in advance for the hideous, guys. There are context posts
on his journal; he's been here since Tuesday!)
[ The video clicks on after a few fumbles, and there's a quiet: ]
All right good, it's recording. Hit it!
[ There's no one on screen except for a large bowl of water surrounded by several glasses filled to varying degrees. Some of the glasses now start harmonizing and there is off-screen snapping right next to the microphone. Then the bowl starts in with the beginning of a
potentially familiar tune. ]
You put the boom-boom into my heart--
You send my soul sky-high when your lovin' starts!
Jitterbug into my brain
Goes a-bang-bang-bang ‘til my feet do the same!
[ The water swishes in synchrony, and there is some audible off-screen harmonizing as well. Then, when the song gets to the chorus, a man slides onto screen wearing sunglasses, and joins right on in: ]
Waaaaake me up before you go-go,
Don't leave me haaaaa--aanging on like a yo-yo
Wake me uuup! before you go-go,
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that hi-iigh.
Wake me up before you go-go,
'Cause I'm not planning on goin’ solo
Wake me up before you go-go,
Take me dancing tonight...
I wanna hit that hiiii--iiiigh
Yeah, yeaaaahhhhhhhh!
[ And then he does a slicing motion, cutting the song off there. He turns to the water, giving it a thumbs up. ]
Way better this time, guys. You'll have it down in no time if you all just keep following my lead.
[ The water swishes in discontent. ]
I'm sick of this lousy song.
[ Andy turns to the screen now, cocking Fonzie-like finger guns in its direction. It's unclear whether or not he's actually aware that there's an audience, but the video turns off soon after. ]