Apr 22, 2011 00:13
[ Spider-Man's voice fades in and out as he talks, like he's not keeping his mouth quite as close to the communicator's mic as he should. The flapping noises, outraged squawks and frequent thwip-thwip of webshooters in action certainly aren't helping the audio quality any.]
Pop quiz for all you fine Network folks. Question one -- oof -- is my status as friendly interdimensional boomerang: (a) validation of my long-standing paranoia that -- oi! -- the multiverse really is out to get me? (b) the self-fulfilling prophecy of aforementioned paranoia? -- [ a thudding noise ] -- (c) because the Porter finds my misery tasty, like one of those peanut butter-filled puzzles you give to a -- Eat web, fluffball! -- to an unruly dog? or (d) all of the above?
[ A pause. More flaps, squawks, and thwips in the background. ]
Whoof. I think that's the last of this batch. Second question is long answer. Speaking of chewtoys, since when am I an extra in a Hitchcock movie? Someone fill me in here, I've been on a leave of absence for the past few days.
[ Another pause. When he starts talking again, he's speaking much more quickly. ]
Third question: did you know it's conjectured that there are seven million pigeons in this cit-- hold that thought, back in a jiffy.
[ The message cuts off abruptly. ]
peter parker | spider-man