[shut up it is a beautiful quadrant and it's not like he killed his last auspistice or anything
except for the part where he totally did]
wwell you got some good ideas ill admit gotta say though your race is shit for creativve methods a inspirin hatred youre the seer you evver get to seein anythin interestin regardin causin hatred
wwell anywway you did do some a the advvisin here so thanks you evver consider givvin quadrant advvice like this on a professional basis i think youd be pretty fuckin great at it and are you interested in possibly doin some auspisticizin
Congratulations and you're welcome. No, I haven't. I have no interest in alien romance, as I told you. And my fondness of psychoanalysis doesn't lead to me doing this as a career, but thank you anyways. That aside, "Auspisticizin"?
except not really but you know
whatever ]
wwhats that supposed to mean exactly
( ... )
except for the part where he totally did]
wwell you got some good ideas ill admit
gotta say though your race is shit for creativve methods a inspirin hatred
youre the seer you evver get to seein anythin interestin regardin causin hatred
But I don't invest interest in seeing how to invoke insuppressible bête noire within others.
And while my interest hasn't completely waned,
How did it go in your pursuits of a kismesis?
wwere official noww its pretty fuckin great if i do say so myself
you evver consider givvin quadrant advvice like this on a professional basis i think youd be pretty fuckin great at it
and are you interested in possibly doin some auspisticizin
No, I haven't. I have no interest in alien romance, as I told you. And my fondness of psychoanalysis doesn't lead to me doing this as a career, but thank you anyways.
That aside,
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