( Donna isn’t in her starfield today, but rather in a bright sundress, sitting on a low couch with a series of photographs scattered about her. She turns to look at the camera, her expression thoughtful. )I’ve had a few conversations lately that have really changed my perspective on this place. I mean, it’s a bit like a second chance, isn’t it? To
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but then she gets to the second part and gets hung up on one word ]
Heroic fashion? Do heroes typically have a particular style of expression?
Well, there are some who'd say there are some staples--the capes and masks and belts, you know?
But in my experience, there's more to it than that. So taking a look at it more seriously might be worth it.
You mentioned a need for assistance?
I did! You interested?
I may be quite interested, yes. What sort of duties would my assistance involve?
Well, I'm very much of the philosophy that people should do what they enjoy. So if you're interested in fashion, I could use you in the areas of design--dressing people for photoshoots, commenting on things people have worn, designing new things that you think will catch on, stuff like that. Of course, since it's a small staff, we all have to pitch in with things like general ideas and coffee runs, but that's secondary.
I do enjoy designing things, but I'm still uncertain what may "catch on" as you put it. I've only realized that there's a greater industry behind my interest in the past three months, and I'm still attempting to understand how that industry works! But I believe this is a project I may enjoy being a part of.
I suppose the main aspect is creating or discovering things that a wide variety of people would want to wear and can look good in. It takes a discerning eye.
Really? Excellent. I'm Donna, by the way. I don't think we've talked before.
I don't believe we have! My name is Kanaya, I'm very glad to meet you.
Likewise, Kanaya. You should definitely come down and meet the rest of the staff. Maybe we can all have lunch or something before we actually get started...
Are there many others on the staff already?
Hmm, depending on how many people come through? Maybe a half dozen or so.
[ is there going to be a log? :o ]
( yes probably! )
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