voice, Spider-Man;incywincyheroSeptember 1 2011, 03:01:19 UTC
S'funny, when you put it that way ... I'll be honest, I haven't really put too much thought into the whole not-dying thing, other than to count my lucky stars when people come back from what should've killed them. I guess I've just taken it for granted that I'm going to die young.
also BACKFILTERED from the spider-babbiesincywincyheroSeptember 1 2011, 16:20:43 UTC
Heh. Uh, was it really? I'm not suicidal or a fatalist or anything, I swear; if I have my way I'll live to the ripe old age of ninety-ump, surrounded by my loved ones and passing away in my sleep. Heck, it's not like more statistically unlikely things don't happen to me every week.
But the math is against me, you know? One of these days I'm not going to get a do-over.
... Huh.
That was... intensely personal.
But the math is against me, you know? One of these days I'm not going to get a do-over.
Never worked out for you?
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