Sep 17, 2011 17:32
[Someone's outside. On the streets.]
Now, I’m not often a supporter of current societal systems. Granted, they have their functions, but all perform so imperfectly. I’m inclined to blame the inane clod of bureaucracy, in part. Take - say -- mental institutions; they’re so liable to commit individuals without appropriate evidence because of corruption or human error, and goodness, such a hypothetical mess can take weeks to clean up.
Six of them, to be precise.
But society has its archetypes, you know. The specific ones who spark change, the - [Pause.] Cogs of the ignition. The inventor, the politician. The anarchist. The martyr.
The martyr can be breathtakingly effective.
[Encrypted to Arthur.]
Two favors.
edward nygma | riddler