I shore hope I'm doing this right. All these machines are so complicated!
[there is a series of clicks mixed with some strange gulping noises, and then typing sounds. and then in text:]
)(ello, Network!
Glub glub glub!
I don't really know w)(at's going on )(ere, but apparently I am supposed to be using t)(is little computer t)(ing to communicate. So I suppose I will introduce myself!
I am Feferi Peixes. And I guess I am an eart)( )(uman now!
T)(is is all pretty -EXCITING! -Even t)(oug)( I admit I am not a )(uge fan of )(ow fragile t)(ey are. 38|
Seriously, I've already cut myself on accident once. )(ow do t)(ey even manage to stay ALIV-E???
O)( well.
)(-EY! If any of my FRONDS are )(ere, you s)(ould troll me! Err, or )(uman me, or w)(atever we s)(ould call it now!
Okay, I'm going to go -EXPLOR---E! BY----------E!
[I might be a bit slow to respond; apologies in advance. oh yeah if any castmates have an issue with feferi's
dreambubble awareness (not a power) please let me know!]