Mar 04, 2009 21:44
People have told me that there are heroes here, and that they're supposed to protect the city. I think they were wrong.
I watched the news today. They showed a video of someone beating up on another person in the street, and said he was a 'hero'. The person who assaulted the man on the street should have called the police. It's against the law to attack people like that, even if you think they did something they weren't supposed to.
Real heroes wouldn't hurt others like that. Everyone should be given the chance to prove that they're innocent! What if you got the wrong person? You couldn't possibly know, unless you took them to trial. That's why they have courts, and investigations, and evidence. You shouldn't try to punish anyone without letting them tell their side of the story first. My Father says so. He says that everyone has some good inside, and that it's why we have defense attorneys--to help find the truth.
You should think about that.