Mar 12, 2009 18:04
Well is this isn't an interesting little device! Never seen the like before, my word. Never the like of anything here to be exact has graced my sight before, I admit myself quite overwhelmed.
Seems to me like the stuff children's dreams are made of, knights in shining armour - though I must say such colours surely aren't the norm - calling in the folks of all the worlds to beat the dastardly villain. I don't think a finer idea has ever been put to paper. I must however question our good benefactor's judgement, I myself have spied some quite disreputable characters amongst our heroic brethren, mostly because I happened to glance into a mirror this morning.
You fine hero's will have to excuse me, I'm not normally a man to write my thoughts, except in letters. I almost began this with "Dear-" then I realised I had no idea who I was writing to. So how about we start with introductions, since I have been pleasantly informed anything written here a whole army of people can read. Privacy always has been a fleeting blessing amongst men.
Rhett Butler, at your service friends.