[[Filtered//Encrypted to the ELE
Coalition, which now includes Andrew Ryan on the list.
this is some tough upper-level encryption, guys. it will be very hard to get in unless you are a technopath. Technopaths can also hack the list to see the names on it, and the "anonymous" posts.]]
Greetings. I know it has been some time since that first communication and I apologize, but I have been busy of late.
Some announcements:
* I have set up this filter on a proxy server so that any of you can use it; [have some information on how]. You cannot see the names on this list, as some members wish to contribute anonymously; furthermore I have enabled anonymous posting on this entry in case you would all like to communicate. I will know who each of you are, of course.
* Unless someone has a better idea, I have tentatively named this group the Coalition.
* Another point to address are possible overarching goals for our little society. I have a number of ideas, but as always we are a coalition (as the name suggests) and so I would like input.
** Depowering or otherwise dealing with the more meddlesome heroes. Obviously a monumental task but not one outside our abilities. We should focus only on those who are a direct threat to us or our interests.
** Procuring alternate sources of funding that we can all use. I am an accomplished inventor and would be willing to aid in this endeavor for a cut of the profits, but I need something to invent. For once, I am out of ideas.
Suggestions, gentlemen?