WHO: Matt Murdock
mansansfear and Sheldon Jeffery Sands
sands_in_mexico WHERE: Matt's office apartment.
WHEN: Friday evening
WARNINGS: Normal snark from Sheldon and an occasional bad joke or two.
SUMMARY: Sheldon's needing some services rendered meaning he's ready to draw up a will and do some negotiations for buying property. (The house is currently in escrow and waiting for approval.)
FORMAT: Paragaming.
Sheldon approaches Matt's apartment at the MAC. He doesn't need to rely on the crutches that much any more but still, he wanted to make sure that his knee was healing properly. He was being careful not to overdo things and that included the simple things like walking.
His life was changing. He knew it and he could already see it. The many layers that he's built to hide his true self were now beginning to form and create a nice cocoon around his personal life which meant safety for anybody he lets in. He was confident and he was ready to move a little further.
With the papers in hand, Sheldon waited until he was let in. "It's Sands. I'm here for my appointment."