
Sep 29, 2010 19:29

WHO: Kaiba, Maggie, Alastair, Bruno, OPEN
WHERE: Random streets in the city.
WHEN: Wed. evening.
WARNINGS: Angst, violence against npc and pc, hallucination.
SUMMARY: Day 4 after Kaiba was hit by the fear gas. The hallucinations have proven that Mokuba is in trouble and he needs to save him NOW. Anyone not him is now an enemy and will be treated as ( Read more... )

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, seto kaiba | n/a, maggie mui | paper sister, alastair | hacker, † bruno | dark glass

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SPEAKING OF BELOW have a jump-in donttasemebro October 1 2010, 15:23:06 UTC
[ ~/o/ ]

There. Bruno came sprinting out the throat of a nearby alleyway and finally spotted his boss again. He had lost him in the agitated crowd a block or two over but now Kaiba looked like he had stopped momentarily, staring down some woman in his way and not looking the least bit nicer than the last glimpse Bruno had had had of him.

Bruno ran toward the two and worriedly tried to shout for the man's attention. "Mister Kaiba!!"


\o/ origamiguardian October 1 2010, 15:27:12 UTC
Seeing Kaiba ready to charge her, she decided she'd better prepare to defend herself--better her be engaged than a passerby.

The paper in her hand blossomed forth to become a massive wolf creature, which in turn prepared to counter Kaiba's charge and try to knock him over.

She heard the other man call out to them. "I think something's wrong with him," she called out, but kept her eyes on Kaiba the whole time.


ETA origamiguardian October 1 2010, 15:33:25 UTC
And something else occurred to her, as her wolf prepared to engage Kaiba. He'd already cut someone down, and they would need medical assistance.

"Call an ambulance!" She shouted.


Sorry for the delay ceodragon October 3 2010, 00:29:33 UTC
Kaiba had to dodge out of the way when the paper took form. He barely had time to move to the side to avoid being hit. The world around him had been so hazy since the sun had gone down that night that Kaiba couldn't even dwell on how much was wrong with a wolf being created out of paper and charging him. Nothing had been making sense since the paranoia of the fear gas had taken over, and a paper wolf was no exception ( ... )


No worries! I'm not in a rush. :) origamiguardian October 3 2010, 01:16:09 UTC
Simply noting projectiles were being tossed at her, regardless of the form, Maggie reflexively tossed her own stream of cards in front of her face.

The cards stuck into her paper shield like knives into a wooden target. "Huh?" Cards in the hands of an ordinary person would have bounced off her shield, no matter how expertly thrown.

"You're a paper master?!"


aaaugh and now i am le late one ALSO TELL ME IF THIS IS TOO MUCH... donttasemebro October 3 2010, 07:22:12 UTC
Bruno needed no convincing that something was wrong with Kaiba. Like Maggie, but even moreso, he knew enough about him to know that this wasn't anything like his normal behavior, and the lack of real recognition when Kaiba looked his way chilled him a little ( ... )


You're totally fine! ceodragon October 4 2010, 02:52:50 UTC
Kaiba growled when his attack was caught in the paper shield. He didn't know that the shield was stronger than it looked, or that there was more behind his throw than normal. Though he hated relying on magic for anything, when stuck in fight or flight it wasn't always a conscious choice.

The attack wasn't as successful as he'd hoped, as he was still boxed in. The woman was blocking his path, and he heard another approaching from behind. The immediate threat though was the wolf. A real wolf would have been a problem, but he had seen this one come from paper, which meant it should crumple just as easily.

He charged at the paper creature and kicked at it's head when he was close enough. "Get out of my way!" he shouted at all three.


origamiguardian October 4 2010, 17:35:29 UTC
As Kaiba kicked at the wolf, his own mimicked paper mastery and his expectation to make it crumple resulted in the head breaking apart. Maggie motioned and the decapitated wolf jumped back, its head "regrowing" as she fueled more paper into it.

Maggie sensed she had more training than he did if he was a paper master, but just as she managed to fight Sonny Wong, she wasn't going to underestimate him. A different tactic would be needed. The wolf reformed into a slender man, looking akin to a giant paper cut-out. It began to pick up a trash can, ready to throw it in an attempt to trip Kaiba if he continued to be a threat.

"I just don't want anyone to be hurt! Who are you looking for?"


donttasemebro October 4 2010, 18:13:44 UTC
Once Bruno saw the woman's paper creature thing have its head torn off by Kaiba's kick, he decided that she would definitely need help after all. Manipulating paper (if that's what it was) certainly looked like an interesting power, but if it could be ripped apart just as easily it didn't seem that useful. Unless...

Unless Kaiba has super strength too, he thought with a nervous gulp. He had never heard his boss talk about whatever his Porter-granted powers were, and Bruno had never asked. For all he knew, they could be anything, and in an unnatural rage like this he would surely use whatever he had.

Bruno waited another half a moment to hear "911 Dispatch, what is the nature of your emergency?" over the speaker of his comm in the man's hands before deciding that he was more needed over there than over here. He ran back out of the protection of the alley and towards the main fray.

"He's looking for someone?" Bruno asked as he arrived in time to hear the tail-end of the exchange.


ceodragon October 6 2010, 01:32:54 UTC
"My brother," Kaiba finally answered them glaring angrily. The spoken affirmation of the hallucination gave it even more power. He heard him again, it sounded much closer. One of the nearby buildings, it had to be. That's why he'd run into two flunkies right here. He looked up at a sky-scrapper several blocks away. The windows were all dark to anyone else looking, but Seto could see the dungeon inside, just like the one in duelist kingdom...but different. It had an older theme, stone walls with a design he couldn't make out yet. That was where he needed to go, he would bring it down if he had to ( ... )


origamiguardian October 6 2010, 15:45:46 UTC
Maggie frowned. She could certainly understand frantic behavior over a sibling but she just didn't want him to hurt anyone else. She certainly knew of no one in danger in this area. In the end, Maggie was more of a follower than a leader, and her hesitation gave Kaiba the time to block the trash can and charge the building without restraint.

What would Sis do? Talk him down or hamstring him, and Maggie had neither the persuasive nor the aim to be able to do either.

In the end, he was charging a building. She followed him, commanding the usable paper back into her sleeve (and any stray nearby paper on the way; a newsstand might have been accidentally deprived of some of its wares), and at last an idea came to her as he approached the building. She shot out her hand, a stream of paper running forth into the ground, slicing into the pavement like a knife through butter, creating a broad rut in his path. She couldn't strike him directly with paper, but she could still try to trip him up.


WHY DO MINE KEEP GETTING LONGER SOB donttasemebro October 7 2010, 05:41:55 UTC
"Your... brother?" Bruno repeated with slight shock, suddenly wracking his brain for another bit of his world's recent history; that is, Kaiba's present. "You mean Mokuba Kaiba?"

Mokuba may not have been as big shakes as his older brother, but he had still been the Vice President of KaibaCorp and he was still a Kaiba. There was no way he could have been ported in without anyone noticing, and Bruno had done his comm check for the day less than an hour ago!

But before Bruno could say anything, Kaiba made a break for some nearby building right into the path of the paper man, and he pulled out his cards and... and they hung in the air on their own, just like the woman's paper had, blocking the can. They had the same power!? Well that explained how he had crumpled the paper animal apart, at least.

"Kaiba, wait!" Bruno said and bolted after him. He was faster than Kaiba, but he was also heavier and much, much stronger; if he tried to just tackle him to the ground he could break half his bones. He needed to do this another way. Out of the ( ... )


Because you're awesome...also so late! orz ceodragon October 11 2010, 03:36:46 UTC
Kaiba should have known it wouldn't be easy. He slid to a stop just before the paper cut in front of him. Just as he was about to whip around on the woman, he felt Bruno jump over him in his path. He was still faced with the same issue of being surrounded and needing to decide who was the larger threat.

At this point, Bruno won as he was now in front of him. He responded to the other's stance by getting into a martial arts style of his own. They were still separated by the gouge in the road to he couldn't simply strike. All he had to think was that he needed a ranged attack, when his borrowed power took effect. If Maggie could send paper with enough force to slash through the ground, Kaiba could do the same with his deck. Except this wave of cards wasn't going through concrete it was going straight for Bruno.


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