WHO: Jack Bauer and OPEN
WHERE: Manhattan expressway
WHEN: The following takes place between 12 AM and 1 AM. Events occur in real time.
WARNINGS: Possible violence.
SUMMARY: Car chase!
FORMAT: Paragraph to start, then quicklog, one thread.
All units, be advised high-speed pursuit in progress...
Jack had decided that the only good thing about this situation was the timing. This late at night, there were almost no hapless motorists on the road in danger of being smashed to pieces by the out-of-control tanker truck barrelling towards the heart of Manhattan. The problem was that if that fully-loaded truck crashed and blew, it wouldn't matter how late it was- an awful lot of buildings would be instantly ablaze. And the way this lunatic was driving, a crash was imminent.
He'd been on his way home from the station when the report came in over the radio. A truck stolen at knifepoint while at a stop, filled to the brim with fuel. The driver had described the thief as a white male with a shaved head, wearing torn jeans and a brown jacket. Judging from his behaviour, he was probably under the influence of drugs.
Its sirens howling, the engine of Jack's SUV whined as he pushed the car to the limit to keep up with the steadily-accelerating truck. Yelling to his radio, he quickly set up a rough plan. Native police officers were directed to back off the truck and establish a perimeter around the chase, while ambulance and fire response were put on alert should the worst occur. ImPort officers and any available superheroes would handle the real challenge: how to stop this thing without making it crash and burn.
Then the situation became even more critical. A terse radio transmission from dispatch told Jack that judging by its route, the truck was getting closer and closer to City Hall.