Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole

May 18, 2011 00:01

WHO: Not-kid-anymore Bruno and suddenly-shorter-than-him-again Franziska
WHERE: Mmmmmmmoonybase
WHEN: Early Saturday morning following kidplot
WARNINGS: Why would you even
SUMMARY: Bruno wakes up as a grown-up? robot again with fuzzy-but-passable memories of what's gone on for the last week. Including the most important thing.
FORMAT: far more words than is strictly necessary

On some level, Bruno was aware of having "changed back" (or maybe just "reappeared") the moment it occurred, in the middle of the night. It didn't really matter that he was asleep-- after all, strictly speaking he didn't sleep, or at least he didn't need to. But periodic unconsciousness was what you could call a fairly ingrained habit for him, and besides, this whole switching-thing had happened at more or less the same time of night as when it had all started last week and most of Bruno's more automated functions just carried on as if nothing had changed but the numerical date.

Which is all just a long-winded way of saying that Bruno awoke calmly in his own bed early Saturday morning already knowing what had happened.

Well, in the most general sense, at least. He remembered more or less what had been explained to "him" (the child him) about what had happened, and a general outline of what he'd been up to all week. In a way it was like the opposite of the way he recalled the weekend where his "soul" had been removed, two days of mechanically precise factual recollections and really nothing else. This past week was coming back to him more as a series of feelings and impressions than strict events; he was pretty sure he liked this way better. Except that there was one thing he knew he needed to confirm for himself, without a doubt.

The younger him had helpfully been going to bed every night in the same over-sized shirt that he'd initially woken up in, so all Bruno had to do was step out of bed, slip on the rest of his clothes and quietly make his way downstairs. He checked her bedroom first, of course, but when he didn't find her there he was pretty sure he knew where she would be. He headed down to the library room.

† franziska von karma | perfect prosecut, † bruno | dark glass

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