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Cafeteria: OPEN - NOT A VILLAIN, FEEL FREE TO TERRORIZE HIM! peanutblooder September 12 2011, 18:25:32 UTC
Still enamored enough of his lunchbox that he was happy to make and bring in his lunch every day, Tavros had blithely spared himself of any poisonous influence. He hadn't even noticed the Joker until the crazy clown started yelling at the top of his lungs.

Was...was that a teacher? That was a weird thing for a teacher to be doing. What was going on?


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 19:52:11 UTC
The Monster, by contrast, had not only eaten at the cafeteria, but he had consumed every last bite. He was filled with a craving for food, a desire for anything and everything edible. He needed food. No, more than that - he was filled with the sense that any and all food was rightfully his.

That strange kid over there had a lunchbox. Maybe he was hiding something tasty in it. That tasty thing was to be his! The Monster moved towards him, his darkness setting in and surrounding him with a pitch-black darkness with only his yellow eyes visible.



peanutblooder September 12 2011, 20:07:53 UTC
Tavros had gotten his pbj sandwich out and was just sort of sitting there nomming on it, watching the Joker with a sort of confused fascination, that was...rather quickly becoming concern. Just before he can make the decision to put the sandwich down and, maybe, go find an adult he recognized to inform about this odd behavior (and coincidentally just before the Joker started running about causing a ruckus, A NEW DISTRACTION APPEARED.

Oh wow it was really dark suddenly. Tavros was actually pretty happy about that - adjusting to a diurnal schedule was rough, and even though the sun here wasn't as horrible as the one back home, it was still awfully bright all the time.

...Funny that he couldn't see through it, though. I mean, there were eyes there, and theoretically he should be able to get a sense of the face of whoever this was, but nope.

"Hullo. That's a neat power."


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 20:15:53 UTC
The Monster was in no state of mind to comment on the shadows at the moment, his mind was filled with thoughts of edibles and taking them.

"Give me your lunch," he said, as fierce as he could.

There was no need to say 'please'. After all, the food was his to take.


peanutblooder September 12 2011, 20:27:46 UTC
The Monster in the Dark used intimidate! It's super effective! Tavros's eyes get huge and he holds his lunchbox out immediately.

He still has half a sandwich in his hand, but he's already started eating that so certainly the monster won't want it...


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 20:38:30 UTC
It took the monster a couple of seconds to notice his command was being obeyed. While he could see a bit better in the darkness than others could, it wasn't very helpful. He grabbed the lunchbox a bit more strongly than he should have.

He couldn't believe that worked. He started to get a bit excited. How thrilling! He giggled a little.

"The sandwich too."


peanutblooder September 12 2011, 20:56:34 UTC
Except that Tavros did not let go of the lunchbox. He liked that lunchbox! The Monster could have the food, but he couldn't have everything.

"H-hey! Give that back! Who are you, anyway? Why do you need my food?"

Well it takes Tavros a while, but he eventually gets around to standing up for himself. That he'd been yanked to his feet and was now surrounded by darkness made this both easier and harder.


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 21:04:26 UTC
The excitement was gone. It didn't work out after all.

"I am --"

The Monster put in an appropriately dramatic pause. He wasn't sure why he needed a dramatic pause, but it seemed about right.


He wasn't sure where the name came from either, but he thought it sounded cool and evil and stuff. He really wanted to sound cool and evil and stuff all of a sudden.

"All your food belongs to me now."


peanutblooder September 12 2011, 21:10:02 UTC
Tavros just...blinks at this. I mean, that sounded pretty cool and evil, but so far this guy hadn't even touched him, he'd just made it dark and gotten grabby. Frowning in annoyance, Tavros consulted with Rufio (which is what he had named his self esteem) and the two of them decided that it was going to take way more than darkness and bad manners to make the troll give up on a sweet lunchbox with a fairy on it!

"Well- well if you want it so bad, here! Take it!"

He takes the sandwich and shoves it in the direction of the voice, shoves it right at those two eyes, while trying to yank his lunchbox back. An epic struggle that will shake the halls of the ages begins.


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 21:17:41 UTC
The sandwich hits him square in the face. Surprised, the Monster lets go of the lunchbox briefly to make a grab at the sandwich before it falls onto the floor.

"Aw man!"

It falls onto the floor. He makes a grab for the lunchbox again while also trying to bend down and grab the sandwich on the ground at the same time. Because he is made of sense.


peanutblooder September 12 2011, 21:25:22 UTC

It WORKED! Tavros nearly caws like the famous Pupa Pan himself as he feels the lunchbox come free. The plan was flawless, but not yet complete! In order to effect a full escape, Tavros leaps away, tucking into a Youth Roll, aimed to carry him out of his opponent's grasp and, if his exuberance was powerful enough, straight through the cafeteria doors and into the hall!

...Which unfortunately does not work AT ALL because one of his horns caught on a cafeteria chair, completely killing his momentum and, tragically, ruining a piece of school property that had offered strong, silent support to dining students for many years. So the lunchbox is still there, along with the uppity kid, now visibile on the edge of the Devourer's black shadow.


gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 21:31:48 UTC
The lunchbox was getting away! It didn't stop the Monster from using the opportunity to grab the sandwich off the floor and stuff it in his mouth.

"Mfff ppphhhmmff!"

He moves forward again, determined to acquire the lunchbox for his nefarious scheme! If eating whatever was inside counted as a nefarious scheme.


NOW WITH CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE! peanutblooder September 12 2011, 22:01:19 UTC
This is a time when the power to light sick fires in his hands might have come in handy. He tries to do so...and does not succeed. Oh fuck, he was losing precious time! He needed to distract the Devourer so that he could make good his escape. Throwing things was a historically sound method of distraction when dealing with dark places, but what to throw?

Alright Tavros, you can:
A) Throw the chair, but you need to get it off of your horn first!
B) Throw the lunchbox, which seems to negate the entire purpose of the exercise here, but which would definitely be effective!
C) Throw the apple, cookies and- ...no not the thermos, that has prancing unicorns on it and is just as cool as the lunchbox itself. Just throw the food and hope that the Devourer will be too full to chase you!

Okay, Zoe! You choose: which one of the three options presented is being flung in the general direction of Monster's head?


HOW FANCY! I CAN'T MAKE DECISiONS gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 22:16:32 UTC
Is all of the above an option? Just keep chucking things at the Monster, I'm sure that'll work! He'll certainly be distracted by the sudden number of objects now coming at him. How rude! The kid with the horns could've just handed him things, gods.

Better start with C at least. The Devourer will immediately attempt to eat the missiles, and possibly won't notice any epic escapes.


All those hours spent leveling up in the SGRUB game the Porter took Tavros from seem to have paid off as he instinctively starts throwing small, easily accessible objects at the Devourer - objects that the Monster had started bothering him over in the first place!

He tosses the apple first and then has to put everything down for a second to try to...get the damned chair off... OH GOD THROW THE COOKIES THROW THE COOKIES! Tavros then sits down, plants both feet against the chair and pushes until with a creak it comes off his horn (ow!) and goes flying more or less mostly in the Monster's direction. Let's pretend that was done totally on purpose, since that's what Tavros is going to do and pretending is something he's pretty good at, as is scrabbling backwards, lunchbox in hand, and diving for the doors!


YET ENTIRELY ENTERTAINING gatewhatgate September 12 2011, 22:44:20 UTC
The Monster had spent most of his life in shadows or boxes while not being allowed to do anything, so trying to keep track of multiple unexpected things happening at once and actually having to deal with it was entirely new.

The apple barely misses him, grazing his ear. But he wanted that apple! Just as he's deciding whether or not to go fetch the apple and devour it, he's hit by a barrage of cookies. Forget apples! Cookies taste so much better!

Somehow he manages to catch a couple of the cookies, immediately stuffing them into his mouth. Whoops, better swallow that sandwich first. That's probably a good idea.

Unfortunately, it's at that moment that the chair hits him. While it doesn't hurt, at all really, he is surprised at this new non-food object, and promptly chokes on his sandwich and cookies.

He starts coughing, not noticing that his food-throwing, lunch-box-taking nemesis was getting away.


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