WHO: Nill, Kate Kane, & co.
WHERE: Kate's new apartment.
WHEN: 6 January, probably all day.
WARNINGS: Excessive cute.
SUMMARY: It is Nill's birthday!! And also the day she's moving in with Kate. Come have some cake.
FORMAT: W/e. Start your own thread!
the wine spilled on your dress, and all you did was smile )
No. Not inside.
[Instead, he pulls out a small, wrapped package (plain grey paper, and a small blue ribbon) and hands it to her.
Inside, is a wooden puzzle, with a small note that says "find the T".]
I'll expect a report, when it's completed.
[Then, quickly, he signs out the words as he says:]
Happy Birthday.
Enjoy it.
[And then leaves with a flourish because what are goodbyes.]
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