WHO: Raoul Duke & Tony Stark NOW WITH Pepper Potts!
WHERE: Tony's Office
WHEN: August 14th
WARNINGS: Possible, and well, probable swearing, drug references, and Tony Stark high.
SUMMARY: Raoul Duke: Doctor of Journalism interviews Tony Stark: City's Most Successful. Misadventures ensue. Coming soon to a magazine near you.
FORMAT: Paragraph?
Duke knew he shouldn't have taken that acid. He forgot all about the interview, the one thing that would guarantee him a job, so not 30 minutes prior to him parking out front of Stark's office building was he eating enough blotter paper to send him to the end of the cosmos.
He was pouring with sweat. Normally this would have to do with someone's nerves, but in this case it was the first sign of an acid frenzy, one Duke hoped he'd be able to handle without anyone realizing something was terribly wrong. Putting his convertible in park, he cautiously slunk out, eying all around him as he proceeded up the walkway. By the time he reached the door he made the decision to gun it for Stark's office, in fear that before he was sitting safely in front of Mr. Stark himself, he'd be gone and done for. He just hoped to fuck it wouldn't be a bad trip.
What was he supposed to be talking about, today? Dear Christ, he'd already forgotten. Duke paused outside of the office to catch his breath. Why had he come here? What good would any of this do? He couldn't remember. This was going to get ugly.
Straightening himself up, he knocked on the door. If anyone asked what was wrong with him, he'd stick to 'heart condition' and be done with it.