Feb 22, 2011 19:09

All right, so, first off I'm going to apologize profusely for being so last-minute with this. The end of February snuck up on me, and even after Jesse announced the plot I sort of went HERP DERP and forgot to plan for this. And all of a sudden it's happening. So um, sorry! But I hope I can still get this to work!

Alastair is one of the Major's targets for assassination. It's going to happen apparently sometime this week (still clearing the specifics with all parties involved) before Saturday. He will not be assassinated, however...someone else is going to get hit and the resultant explosion of grief and rage is going to trigger the Oricalchos, which has been dormant in him since his power update back in....er. November?

The Oricalchos power will allow him to take souls. Briefly. The full lowdown on how it works is here in his journal. This includes what it looks like and what limitations it has, for the curious. What does this mean for YOU?

It means characters can sign up to have their souls taken this weekend!

I've been given a limit of 5-7 player-characters, and 10-15 NPCs to have their souls taken over the course of this weekend, from whenever the tragic event occurs until Alastair can be taken down - Kaiba and Hiruma have dibs on that. He'll probably start with a few NPCs who get in his way, just to flex the power and figure out that he needs to break into KaibaCorp to steal spell card blanks in order to host more than one soul at a time. But in order to wreak the most havoc/have the most fun, AND make Alastair's power a credible, tangible threat, I'd like him to get a few PC souls in the process as well.

What's in it for you? Your character goes into a coma for the duration, which happens to be either 72 hours (max) or until the soul is released from the card, whichever comes first. Alastair can voluntarily release it, or if the card is destroyed, the soul will be released. You can use it to take the weekend off, or maximize some angst among your CR groups, get a bunch of your character's friends to start hunting Alastair, etc. If you're not sure whether it's possible for him to actually get your character's soul, follow the above link to the infopost in his journal - as long as you're not a duelist of Kaiba, Yuugi, or Yuusei's caliber, he can pretty much get your soul so long as you allow him to pull out a card and inscribe the Oricalchos ritual circle on the ground. So all it takes is pissing him off the right way and the deed is as sure as done. It might hurt a little but it's not permanent.

Oh and by the way, Kiryu and his multiple awesome powers will also be along for the ride. ;)

Sign up here and now - first come, first served! Also let me know if you want him to somehow release your soul early or you're out for the whole 72 hours. As a side note, if/when Kaiba and Hiruma take him down, all souls will be released at that point, so if you want to sign up to be captured toward the end of the rampage, your character's soul will only be out of commission for a few hours.

Character sign-up for soul-taking
1. Quatre
2. Bruno
3. Kurama
4. Sooraya

Questions, comments, etc, have at it! Sign up quick before the slots are gone! Again, I know it's short notice but I'm a big derp and you should all thank olesia for greenlighting. Thanks for your time bbs, go forth and create mass angst and chaos!

*plot (sign-ups), *plot

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