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Comments 130

anonymous November 24 2010, 03:34:14 UTC
Quick question! My character's canon power is that he can't die. Or well, he does but he'll just come back the next day completely fine (without anyone remembering he even died). Seeing as the game has the whole reviving thing, would his power be canceled out? If yes, then should I make up new powers for him? If no, is it okay for the waiting period to be waived for him? Or idek orz


capemods November 24 2010, 04:25:19 UTC
If you don't want it to be canceled out, it absolutely doesn't have to be! We have characters with similar canon powers in-game currently (Terry Ward is the best example I can think of right now, since his power's actually been employed recently), they are allowed to bring them into the City, and yes, the waiting period is waived for them--unless there's some way to "permanently" kill the character, in which case there would be the standard wait, were that to ever happen.


withpins November 28 2010, 18:08:27 UTC
Question dump!

1. If a character has the skills and the ability to forge new identities and the papers to back them up within his own canon, is it alright if I assume he can do the same here? I know there's more than a few characters operating this way, but I wasn't sure if it was something I'd need to run by a mod before mentioning it in character. Does the city's infrastructure have some other defenses in place to "catch" imports attempting to fake it?

2. Is it acceptable to shuffle a character into a low-paying NPC job to pay the bills for now, or would I need to find a PC who'd be willing to hire him before allowing him any more cash than what the porter provides?

3. Communicators! Is it possible to obtain a second one with a new serial number and still retain the old one under any circumstances?



hotforbabyleg November 28 2010, 22:42:40 UTC
1. Some more tolerant NPCs will look the other way when it comes to showing ID to get a job, but more importantly, there's no super special infrastructure to find them out if the identities are convincing enough. If they're going to use that new identity to, say, blow up Manhattan, you'd want to run it by us first, but otherwise it's totally cool to assume ( ... )


anonymous December 14 2010, 19:59:12 UTC
Can I get clarification on how the superhero names work? If I am reading right, the character has to give one when they register, so someone who would not use one would not have one? They aren't assigned?


hotforbabyleg December 14 2010, 20:09:58 UTC
They're not, no! Whatever the character states when the machine/Porter asks for their alias will get printed out on their dogtags, which allow them access to the MAC and a weekly stipend, but that doesn't mean that a.) they can't just give their actual name or go "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" to the machine and have that printed out instead, b.) they have to keep the dogtags, or c.) anyone will actually know what's printed on the dogtags without being told; a lot of characters with "superhero names" on their community tags have actually never used them. There have been a few cases where the Porter has deliberately trolled people by putting a ridiculous superhero name on the tags, but those are determined at the player's discretion and are certainly not mandatory.


pridefall December 15 2010, 19:58:09 UTC
Hey, quick question! If I was to apply for a character with a sidekick who is necessary for his survival -- in this case, Tatsumi Oga, who would die when separated from the baby left in his charge -- could I also port in the child in question? They have nearly no personality outside of being a child, so I don't see how anyone would be able to play them seriously unless they also played Oga at the same time.


hotforbabyleg December 22 2010, 04:16:34 UTC
We've let in characters with NPC-able babies in the past, as in the example of Athena and Hera from the BSG cast! So yes, if you specified so in the application you would be able to apply for both him and the baby.


t_x_unit December 21 2010, 05:37:31 UTC
What about robotic characters who can mimic human beings, but have a number of innate abilities restricted to their bodies?

This one can mimic the appearance/voice of someone it samples, carries several internal weapons/tools which can slide out, remotely control machines if it can physically 'infect'/corrupt them, but it can also do the usual Terminator-y things like analyse DNA by taste and covertly conduct visual retinal scans.

Would some or all of those have to qualify as 'superpowers' or would they be considered part of the body, itself? With the superpowers being different? Or would they all just come under the superpower category of 'really strong robot' and allow for two more?


hotforbabyleg December 22 2010, 04:25:03 UTC
All of those would be qualified as "superpowers" for the purposes of the RP--essentially, even if something is inherent or standard-issue for the character's body, it's a superpower if it's an extranormal ability/strength/etc. Although we would accept "being a robot" as a power umbrella, it would be more for things that are implicit for fictional robots in general, and not for a Terminator-series-specific one, like not needing to sleep or eat, probably being stronger than the average human, and possibly technopathy. Things like visual retinal scans, DNA analysis by taste, shapeshifting, and so on are not a part of that and thus would have to take up different power slots; even if they were able to be included under the robot umbrella, we would most likely ask you to cut some abilities so as not to make the character overpowered for the game.


t_x_unit December 22 2010, 04:39:41 UTC
Many thanks for clarifying!


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