6 more days until SPRING BREAK!!!!

Apr 05, 2006 16:27

man...i'm really inconsistent with my 'bitch sessions' hahah. I call it that because that's basically all i do on here...and not very often. but without further ado:

1. i had my first college advisor meeting today. I'm officially freaked out now. I had to pick all my top choices for schools...my safety's etc. and all the schools I want to go to ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

almostigby April 5 2006, 22:58:46 UTC
Spring Break 2006 WILL involve two hangout sessions. Kelsey Merrit and M.J. Geier included.


senoritaemily April 6 2006, 01:23:25 UTC
MIAMI!! :) we will chill next week. i'm so excited. i have a gift certificate to get a pedicure so hahah we'll have to gooo get our nails did. for serious. i love you lady.


capital_k April 6 2006, 17:29:03 UTC
haha fat chance of getting in there for me haha. it's become a really hot school these days. DAMN!

i cant wait to see you!!


isntshelovelyx April 6 2006, 01:47:43 UTC
fsu is gross :/


capital_k April 6 2006, 17:29:10 UTC
why do you say that?


isntshelovelyx April 6 2006, 18:38:47 UTC
i heard from a lot of people it's dirty and stuff and outside the school isn't a good area.


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