1.) Keep it civil which means: no pairing bashing, no kink bashing, no character bashing, etc. basically, keep the drama on Tumblr
2) First and foremost this is a KINK MEME, so please let's all be mature adults. Just because it may not be your taste doesn't mean it won't be somebody's else's.
3.) All prompts welcomed, but please focus on Captain America. (Yes, this includes the comics as well)
4.) One prompt per comment (Make this less confusing for one submitting this in the fills post.)
5.) In the comment subject line post the pairing, kink, and verse. (If it's movieverse, 616verse, Ultimatesverse, etc.)
6.) You don't have to be anon when posting a prompt or filling a prompt. It's there if you want to use it.
7.) Back tracking to number 5, PLEASE POST YOUR KINK IN THE SUBJECT LINE. Also what defines a kink is pretty much open to interpretation. It can be a theme, location, sex act, object, emotion - anything.
But if your kink includes: Alcohol abuse, Animal abuse, Domestic abuse, Drug abuse, Homophobic/Racist/Sexist abuse, Hatecrime, Physical abuse, Sexual abuse, Sexual abuse under the influence of alcohol or drugs, Rape, Partner rape, Harassment, Humiliation, Degradation, Torture, Non-con, Dub-con or Death - you MUST give these things priority and treat them as your kink in the Subject Line. These are known CONTENT TRIGGERS and DO upset people. If you Fill a prompt with these subjects, please do not forget to put a warning at the top of your Fill comment, too.
When posting art Fills PLEASE just paste the url (
http://www.whatever.com) DO NOT use IMG SRC embedding as an image is much harder to ignore than words.
Please continue to add kinks like: BDSM, Bestiality, Watersports, Scat, Necrophilia, Piercing, Animal play, Felching to the Subject Line if that is what your Prompt is about. These alone are NOT content triggers. They just help people find the Prompts they want to Fill. The same applies to mild kinks like: Kissing, Frottage, Oral, Cutefic and Fluff. By using the Subject Line you are helping people to make an informed choice about what they will be reading.
8.) Before prompting, make sure your prompt hasn't already been posted. If it hasn't been filled or it's buried under massive amounts of other requests for fills, you may post it.
9.) Save your fills before hitting the post button! LJ has a nasty habit of eating posts.
10.) Possibly the most important rule of all. HAVE FUN!