ok i am all for gay marriage. i think if 2 people are in love and care for eachother enough to want to be married, they should be given that right. just because 2 people are the same sex does not mean they should be denied the right to legally express their devotion to one another. love is supposed to be nondiscriminatory.
on the religious side (and this is NOT my opinion, but the opinion of some) some people would say that 2 people of the same sex being married by the church is a sin, because the bible and god say that homosexuality is a sin. i understand this view point, but i still see no problem with allowing a judge to conduct a same-sex marriage ceremony. that way it's legal, but its kept out of the church and all that funky stuff.
but like i said before, im all for gay marriage anywhere, anytime.
this is a very good point of view. i have questions about the whole being-a-sin thing. religious people disagree with it [gay marriage] because it is an obvious sin. but what about people who sin anyways (as in straight couples, who cheat on each other, lie, or steal or whatever sin) but hide their sins and are allowed to marry anyway? wouldn't that be a sin to the church? wouldn't it then be God's place to judge them and all? and if that is the case, wouldn't a same-sex marriage be up to God to judge anyway?
am i making any sense? obviously i have a lot of research to do. but thank you for helping me out. <3
gay marriagehooligan305September 29 2004, 19:36:03 UTC
I am a big advocate of gay rights, mainly for the whole equality deal. The only problem is that "marriage" stems from religion and should have no place in politics but unfortunately it is. I am all for gays to be together and do whatever they want. They should be granted civil unions and be entitled to all the same rights as heterosexual married couples. The only thing is that by definition it can't be called marriage, just look it up in the dictionary. Thats my abbreviated beliefs, if you wanna discuss more let me know.
Re: gay marriagecapkitty04September 29 2004, 20:42:26 UTC
WBSTER [Handy College] DICTIONARY: mar'riage: (n.) 1, the legal union of a man and a woman; a wedding. 2, the state of being married or united.
When you said "The only thing is that by definition it can't be called marriage" do you mean it in the sense that it says man and woman (that can be changed) or the fact that you mean a wedding is a religious thing?
wed'ding: (n.) an occasion or anniversary of marriage
i didn't find religious aspect pertaining to marriage in the dictionary. that would be interesting though, to find out the history of marriage. i read somewhere that marriage (at first) was never about love, but more about the money, maybe social status, and looking to breed. and that over time, it's meaning (or reason why people get married) has changed.
Thanx Ted. you're perspective is really give me things to think about and what i should research.
if you want to elaborate on any of this, please feel free. <3
Re: gay marriagecrazybabyinloveSeptember 30 2004, 04:08:51 UTC
just so u know. Marriage was not AT FIRST about money and all that. The first marriage of the bible (of the world) was Adam and Eve and though it could be looked at as an erranged marriage. It was a marriage. And it wasn't for money or any of that cuz none of that existed then. Marriages turned into a status/money thing more when the world started turning their backs to the bible. When the world got more greedy and selfish. Just thought you should also think on that. <33333
hey this is Christina
September 29 2004, 20:03:15 UTC
Gay marriage is, to me, perfectly ok. here's why, u can't control ur sexuality. why be punished for something u can't control? why do straight ppl get to be happy and gay ppl don't? we're all ppl and we all have different tastes. so wut if it happens to be on sexuality? everyone has theright to be happy. isn't that in the constitution somewhere? we have the right of the pursuit of happiness? ok, last time i checked, the constitution applied to EVERYONE in the country, not jst straight people. Also, one of the main reasons that it's being forbidden is that in the bible it says that its wrong. Since when does the ENTIRE country go by the bible? the constitution isn't supposed to be religion effected. can u say contradiction? and what happened to "we're all created equal" didn't Lincoln say that? so wut does that mean? isn't suposed tomean that since we're all equal, we all get the same rights and privleges? The president wants to ban gay marriage because "its wrong". and where did u get THAT idea? YOU dont like it? the bible SAYS so?
( ... )
Re: hey this is Christinacapkitty04September 29 2004, 20:52:23 UTC
thank you. yes indeed this will be very helpful. i'm glad you took the time to express this aspect on gay marriage. i'm trying to cover all bases and i need to find more information when it comes to the constitution. it's true... doesn't it say somewhere in the constitution something about: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"?
Comments 11
anything you would like to add?
on the religious side (and this is NOT my opinion, but the opinion of some) some people would say that 2 people of the same sex being married by the church is a sin, because the bible and god say that homosexuality is a sin. i understand this view point, but i still see no problem with allowing a judge to conduct a same-sex marriage ceremony. that way it's legal, but its kept out of the church and all that funky stuff.
but like i said before, im all for gay marriage anywhere, anytime.
which is why i'd like to marry you. =P
this is a very good point of view. i have questions about the whole being-a-sin thing. religious people disagree with it [gay marriage] because it is an obvious sin. but what about people who sin anyways (as in straight couples, who cheat on each other, lie, or steal or whatever sin) but hide their sins and are allowed to marry anyway? wouldn't that be a sin to the church? wouldn't it then be God's place to judge them and all? and if that is the case, wouldn't a same-sex marriage be up to God to judge anyway?
am i making any sense? obviously i have a lot of research to do. but thank you for helping me out.
mar'riage: (n.) 1, the legal union of a man and a woman; a wedding. 2, the state of being married or united.
When you said "The only thing is that by definition it can't be called marriage" do you mean it in the sense that it says man and woman (that can be changed) or the fact that you mean a wedding is a religious thing?
wed'ding: (n.) an occasion or anniversary of marriage
i didn't find religious aspect pertaining to marriage in the dictionary. that would be interesting though, to find out the history of marriage. i read somewhere that marriage (at first) was never about love, but more about the money, maybe social status, and looking to breed. and that over time, it's meaning (or reason why people get married) has changed.
Thanx Ted. you're perspective is really give me things to think about and what i should research.
if you want to elaborate on any of this, please feel free.
<3 much love
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