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Comments 70
capn_freakshow // Kurotsuchi Mayuri
realrealdoll //Kurotsuchi Nemu
holyfight // Inoue Orihime
I'm just coming off two months of 12 hour shifts, so I know my activity's not been great, but I hope to improve all that!
But thanks for tagging Willard with Nemu! I think that'll be a really fun thread. :D
Ummm so the only one I've really interacted with is Lucy Hayate. A bit with L, and then we had that cool thread with Willard. Otherwise I've had fleeting interaction with Lucy (who I like; I'd gladly thread with her again). Though I'm not familiar with the canons of Lucy or Hayate, the first comes off as cold and detached and the second warm, friendly and bookish, so... if that's what you're going for, you're doing it right!
I'm attempting to familiarize myself with various in-game canons, so hopefully by next AC I'll have something more useful to say. I just wanted to say SOMETHING. And also that I really like playing with you, so don't be a stranger? :D
Those are pretty much what I'm going for, at least as far as first impressions of the two goes, so that's good to hear! They both have a lot more to them of course, but neither of them know L enough for him to have seen that yet.
As far as familiarizing yourself with canons goes, I should warn you off the bat that both of my characters you're familiar with are from ones catering to very specific tastes. Elfen Lied (Lucy's canon) is part horror, part tragedy, with a few comedic and romantic elements thrown in. It's like a combination of Jekyll and Hyde, the X-men, and a slasher flick, and it is definitely not for everybody. Then again, you play from Death Note so you can probably handle it if you feel like picking it up. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (Hayate's canon) is your basic Magical Girl anime that at some point halfway through the first of three seasons flies off the handle and starts taking tropes from various Super Robot animes. If you like those two genres you'll probably enjoy it... though it' ( ... )
Lucy || meinthesky
Mammon of Greed || thememachine
Asmodeus of Lust || all_passioneers
Ushiromiya Eva || gabrielbefore
Siggy || getsiggywithit
Nanael || angelmisogynist
Margareta la Sirena || hardandeasy
Makihara Madoka || moves_incircles
Saigyouji Yuyuko || hungriest_ghost
Miura Haru * so_tsunadere
Superbia Squalo * vooiiibrating
Rip Van Winkle * magicmoneyshot
Kusanagi Hayato * kiturntosender
Celty Sturluson * brainlesskink
Yune * alloutoforder
I <3 your kids a lot, and I'd love to play with the ones I haven't yet, because they seem really interesting.
Last time it was "Kes, where's the Flash?" now it's probably more like "Kes, can you play someone other than the Flash?" T__T
RL has been more hectic for me lately for several reasons, and I'll admit that I'm still struggling with Megamind's voice a little, but I'm hoping I can start fixing that soon.
For what it's worth, your Megamind voice always sounded fine to me?
I really, really do. It's the sort of CR that both of my kids could use. He's a really nice guy, and your tags are always interesting and fun to come up with replies to just because there's stuff there to work with. Wally's altruistic streak comes through really hard; you can definitely tell that he is a superhero and thinks of himself that way. I like that he puts forth an effort to maintain a secret identity in Micro; the details are the most fun thing about that, like taking extra time to get places to avoid suspicion, eating lots of sugar to keep his energy levels up, and having his rings locked up. It's just suspicious enough that there can be intrigue, but not so much that his jig is up immediately.
I also really enjoyed the interactions between Wally and my invented police!guy Hardon (lol hard-on). Maybe it was because I was playing an unchipped with some amount of personality, but what I took away from it was that Wally's got great people-skills and influence, and also that he doesn't condescend ( ... )
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