Title: The Last Of The Good Doctor
Fandom: Django Unchained
Author: lion_heart
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I make no profit from this, alas! (Stealing Ghani's disclaimer, HAHA!)
Characters/Pairings: Dr. King Schultz/OFC
Author's Notes: A sequel of sorts to this:
Her Name Was Lillie King had fouled things up a bit. He could see that. Yet he'd fouled them up for the absolute best of reasons. He wondered if Django would confuse his stand against Candie as pride. He hoped not. In fact, he knew not. Django was too bright to fall into that trap. Bright boy... He'd never liked Candie's tone when saying that, the implication that he was bright for one of them. At its core though, if made purer a message, he had at least been right about that, if wrong about everything else.
It was funny what he seemed to have time to think of while he lay crumpled on the floor, too weak to scream and numb besides. It was quite the shot that took him out. His feet had left the floor. So that's how that feels, seemed to be the only thought he could have about it, totally detached. Now he was leaking everywhere, nearly done, vision flickering.
"Lillie," he rasped, though he couldn't be heard above all the gunfire and ruckus. He could see her, could almost touch her. He realized then she was touching him, his chest where the blood was so profuse. As was her way, she didn't need to say anything really as her strange eyes always spoke so well. He's always admired and even envied that about her, that all his words, all their meaning, could never match those eyes.
"I suppose it's time then," he said to her, but his mouth wasn't moving.
She smiled, and he knew then that even if he went to hell, the fire would at least light her beautifully. Whatever the destination, he knew he'd let her lead him there. "You've always talked too much," she murmured, slipping her hand around his. "I'll teach you some new ways to speak when we get where we're going."
His thumb brushed in wonder at her chin. Why had that stayed? The marks. There was so much he needed to know, and for the first time in ages he'd be someone else's pupil; gladly he would be hers. And yet he stole a glance back, smiling as the shots rang out. "Go get 'em, Siegfried."