denice johnsons reasons for voting republican

Oct 01, 2037 14:16

I believe in gay rights, healthcare for all individuals, abortion and a safety net for those who have fallen on hard times.  I am one of those people who have fallen on hard times and have lost everything due to losing a business.

Right now the government, democrats and republicans, are begging the American people to believe that a bailout plan is critical because the banking and finance industry all over the world are freezing credit, will not give loans to allow businesses to grow or continue to be in business.  They are in essence saying to you, if you don't allow business to grow, we will see a depression greater than 1929.

The Republicans have believed this philsophy from the beginning.  If you do not allow businesses to grow you will not receive jobs, healthcare through your company, you will not spend money, you will not invest, you will not start your own business, save for retirement, etc.

The issue for me is not democrat or republican.  I do not want to see a class war, it will be the rich and the poor.  I've run a small business and would like to share with you how much I paid in taxes, health insurance and miscellaneous.

Payroll Taxes: For every dollar you pay in taxes from your check, the employer matches it by law (ie:  12% you-12% employer).  You pay this every week.
           Obama wants to make it so the employer will pay higher in taxes (ie: 12% you-24% employer).  You pay this every week.  I paid $12,000 a month.  I couldn't imagine a burden higher than that.  That was a heavy burden to meet every month.  I considered layoffs more than enough times.

Healthcare:  Obama wants the employer to be responsible for healthcare or have the government be responsible for healthcare (which is paid by you, the taxpayer).  Why not regulate the doctors, hospitals, drug companies and lobbyists?
           I paid $6,500.00 a month for healthcare for my employees, 10 people.  If it is mandated that all employers pay for healthcare, you know the cost is going to be extraordinary, like gasoline.  There will be no choice.  Then I will be responsible for your care, if you smoke, drink, excercise, if you get pregnant, prostate cancer. The list goes on.  Will an employer hire someone with health problems, a young women, an old man?  They say there will be regulations.

Capital Gains Tax:  Obama wants to raise the capital gains tax.  Not just oil companies, but all businesses.  This means if my company makes a profit I pay a tax, that will raise.

Small Business, S Corp:  S Corp means if you earn money in your company, you get taxed personally.  Not only do you pay income tax, you pay a corporate tax personally.  You pay taxes twice on the same income. That will rise.

In all, employers, plumbers, carpenters, doctors, installers, pay workers' comp, unemployment tax (federal and state), capital gains tax, personal income tax, payroll tax, sales tax.  If most companies earn 10 to 15 % profit and Obama raises the taxes, it will be passed on to the consumer, people won't get hired, people will not be able to start a business.  Only those with money, will be able to earn money. With our economy the way it is now, all those entitlements that Obama wants to give away (most of them won't affect you), will have a very large price tag.  Who will pay for that?

I know you've heard this over and over, but Obama's friends are known to bash America, threaten America.  You can hate, complain, demonstrate against American, but not our Commander in Chief, our president, our representative.  Do you really want William Ayers and Jermiah Wright sitting at the White House table?  Doesn't that scare you at all?

Experience does count.  The presidency is not a place to learn on the job.  It's not.  Please look at the resumes.  There is a startling difference. McCain is not Bush, he's a patriot, he's reformed more government, chaired more committes of distinction and knows what it means to be the Commander in Chief.  The 90% of legislation that McCain voted with Bush, all of Congress voted on.  The 10% he disagreed on:  how to handle the war, taxes, immigration.

Obama is so worried about being liked overseas, by who?  China, Korea, Russia, who?  Will he give away the bank?

Gaffes made by Obama.  He wants to get rid of the free trade agreement.  Mexico and Canada said if you do that, we'll pull our oil.  There will be no competition, the prices of our products will rise.  Look at the gasoline prices.  No competition, high gas prices.  He has no foreign policy experience, no executive experience, no military experience, no experience.

in short, obama's policies won't shorten the gap between the rich and poor, they will broaden it.  if businesses suffer, we all suffer.

i'm encouraging anyone to respond in an educated manner, if you disagree or agree please say so and why.
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