fake it like you matter

Jul 01, 2007 04:11

well tonight was a big bag of what-the-fuck, there is a fine line between being a good person and being a pushover and i am doing acrobats across it. I do not know why i feel he is my problem to solve, but a big part of me feels an obligation to be his friend and look out for him. I do not know why i can not stand up to him and draw the line, but ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

qtwidabooty417 July 2 2007, 16:28:19 UTC
tracy, don't worry about tonight. u r right, he isnt ur problem. but don't worrya bout ruinnin all of our nights.. becuase u didn't. we are all just pissed that he ruined yours.


bria09 July 3 2007, 02:30:28 UTC
Please tell me this isn't who I think it is. IF so, you're too good of a friend. You're risking yourself getting in trouble for him, and that's not fair for you. We've been trying to help him for yearsssss now (again, if it's who I think). I love you, and I would never like a cig in a theater with you next to me...if I even smoked, haha. <3


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