Not at all. It's not your fault you saw it. My name is Ion; it's good to meet you.
Replicas are... a little bit complicated. It mostly depends on what they were born for, and how much time they had to be created in. In my case, I was made with basic skills and could already function very basically on my own because I was to replace someone important, but in other cases, a replica is born with no knowledge at all, like a baby.
It... feels sort of strange to talk about this, but I do want people to know. Fomicry--that is, the process of creating replicas--is unethical, but replicas are still people.
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Replicas are... a little bit complicated. It mostly depends on what they were born for, and how much time they had to be created in. In my case, I was made with basic skills and could already function very basically on my own because I was to replace someone important, but in other cases, a replica is born with no knowledge at all, like a baby.
It... feels sort of strange to talk about this, but I do want people to know. Fomicry--that is, the process of creating replicas--is unethical, but replicas are still people.
Sorry I'm talking so much.
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