Title: The Capture of Jefferson Hope
capt_facepalmRating: PG-13
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight)
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson, Inspectors Gregson & Lestrade, Jefferson Hope
Summary: Your favourite scene from STUD, now with new improved alliterative whump!
Warnings: (it's not very good alliteration)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: July 17th prompt: (Whump Watson woefully with an alliterative injury.)
Jefferson Hope shook Lestrade off and did not pause to consider his options. Rather than face the ham-fisted Gregson, he barrelled toward the wan gentleman who stood between himself and the door.
This miscalculation cost him his escape.
Holmes and the two professionals piled on and it became a free-for-all; a jumble of legs, fists, and profanity.
Finally, half-strangled, Hope surrendered and was hauled to his feet. The remaining combatants disentangled themselves from the unfortunate doctor who still lay on the floor. Watson, his face ashen, was last to rise, his shattered shoulder had borne the brunt of the impact.
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