OOC: This is just me random answering TM prompts for Adam and Tim in an odd sort of way. 'Twas inspired by Sushie really, as she endevours to write responses for Gabriel.
Introduction to Adam Walter Donovan
We all have a basic understanding of him; fortunately, not a full understanding of his brain. Therefore, we must assume there is something mentally wrong with him. Since there has never been an official diagnosis, we'll leave it at that.
English. Hyperactive. Apparently charming. Irritating. Lady's man. Loyal. Good shot.
Do you feel that you were born with a predetermined role in society? If so, how do you feel about it?
A predetermined role to annoy? If he has been, then there is something seriously offensive we must have all done to some powerful being.
What is your New Year's Resolution?
I think that this year, he said he would make an effort to get more people involved in cricket.
He certainly has made that effort.
Is there ever a good reason to get blinding drunk?
Who would need a reason at all? Just the fact that you're around him makes you want to drink, so I'd assume being him would just be much worse, and thus the desire increased. Isn't that a good enough reason?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I would certainly say he's an idiot, and therefore he would believe in such a rediculous, ninny thing.
What's more important - self preservation or forgiveness?
For some reason, I think Adam would pick the latter.
How did you lose your virginity?
Dear Lord, I do not want to even picture that one ...
What's your favorite guilty indulgence?
I think it has something to do with making mischief or telling really unfunny jokes.
If you could have dinner with anyone in all of history, who would it be, and why?
I seem to recall one fine day, young Mr Donovan (before he was in the Air Force) talking about the little crush he had on Cleopatra when he was a youngster.
What makes you laugh?
Really, the question here should be what stops him from laughing.
What do you want on your tombstone - and why?
What would he want? Adam Donovan - Fantastic, Funny, Extraordinary. Please mourn for at least half an hour.
Something like that, anyway.
What is your favorite daydream, and why?
Did you know he used to daydream about flying out into space? Well, before he joined the Air Force, it was about flying. Then, before he was accepted into the SGC, it was about space.
And then ... well, I'm fairly sure that right now, it has nothing to do with flying or space.
Hearing, Sight, Taste, Touch, and Smell. The five senses. Which would be the worst one for you to lose, and why?
I seriously wish he could lose the power of speech, but that's not listed and so I must pick something else for him.
Sight and hearing would be okay, because Adam never seems to need them all that much. Always knows when someone is around him, without looking and before they speak. I think taste, really. Adam loves his food.
If you were left on a desert island, what three things would you take along?
Three incredibly stupid things, I'd imagine.
A kettle (which, I don't know, doesn't need electricity or something) or never ending supply of hot water. A teabag. And possibly sugar or milk.
What is the most important decision you've made in your life and why?
We both agree on one thing here.
If you could change one moment in your past, what would it be?
From the way he carried on at the time, I'd say the time when he cut his hair to make himself look like a normal boy.
We all thought it was a great decision and perhaps he'd grown up and turned into an adult. But then we found out that it was not only a dare, but one he regretted. For a while afterwards, I remember him whinging to the hairdresser (who constantly had to defend his actions with, "I can't make your stupid hair grow back!"), and eventually getting hair extensions until his real hair grew back to a satisfactory length.
How do you handle confrontations?
Depends. If it's serious, I'd imagine he would do his best to make it really not serious.
Then, if it was something like someone being shot at, um ... he might be unhelpful and get himself shot, or he might shot at whoever was shooting at 'em.
And then, for anything else, he'd be loud and bosterious as always.
What is the oddest gift you have been given?
He didn't think it was odd, but one year, a friend of ours from college actually gave him a TV guide. They tried to explain that, as college students, we were poor and couldn't afford such luxurious things, and I pointed out that a bette gift would have been an actual television; but the brainacs didn't listen to me.
If you could live anywhere, where would you and why?
Up in the clouds, wouldn't you Adam? You're really half way there. Okay, not literally ...
What's better: democracy or monarchy?
...the hell? Democracy? I don't know. Adam's in to freedom of speech, I'm pretty sure.
What would your life be, if it were a movie? Comedy, horror, drama sci-fi? And who would play you?
If it was a movie, his boring life would have to be incredibly spectacularised to make it even the least bit interesting.
And, uh, some guy on drugs? Oh ... that doesn't really narrow it down for Hollywood though, does it? Nope. Who's a hypie, English nancy-boy? If anyone can think of one, please tell me.
What is good and what is evil?
Adam had this thing against witches for a while. Then he thought everyone was evil except himself. Then he met the Wraith. Although, I think he still feels funny about witches.
Who is your personal role model?
Was it a woman? Really?
What would constitute a "perfect" evening for you?
If everyone around him had some not-too-unfortunate-to-harm-but-unfortunate-enough-to-be-amusing-and-annoy event happen to them, while he was perfectly okay.
If you could invent a holiday, what and when would it be? What special traditions would take place on that day?
It'd be a prank-a-thon day, maybe. Everyone would prank everyone else. Or throwing balloons of paint everywhere. Or maybe a Children's Day. Or a Non-Parents Day. Where those groups get exactly the same benifits as Mothers and Fathers do on their specific days.
What's a typical day for you?
He gets up. Dresses - depending on the occasion. These days, fortunately, he dresses slightly normally. Depends whether or not he feels like having a shower as to whether he actually has one. Runs around like a maniac on the spot for no good reason (okay ... saw him doing it once) and then has a really long, almost forty-five minute breakfast. Then it's off to annoy and whatever random thing pops up in his mind ...
The world will end tomorrow. What do you do today?
Actually ... this kind of happened, except not, once. He disappeared after a while. He'd been hanging around everyone talking as normal. Eventually we found out we were safe. So when he came back he didn't tell anyone where he'd been. But then Kayla told someone that he'd come and sat with her until everything was okay again.
What have you most regretted losing?
When we got to Atlantis, he really did regret not having a long enough time to say goodbye.
How do you view commitment?
*shudders* He views it very seriously.
Would you choose to live forever if you had the choice?
He probably would ...
What would your dream occupation be?
He's pretty much got it.
What makes you jealous and how do you deal with it?
Erm ... 'jealous' isn't really a word I'd use to describe Adam Walter Donovan.
Oh yeah, except when he finds somebody with a better middle name than him.
What is your weapon of choice?
His voice.
Money, fame or happiness, you can only have one... what would you rather have and why?
Happiness. He's already made this choice, though.
Is there any truth to the saying: keep your friends close, and your enemies closer? Do you have enemies? Do you have more friends than enemies?
I think I speak for most people on Atlantis when I say, 'er, not at all'. Mainly because if we kept the Wraith very close to us they'd probably kill us all. If there were different circumstances, then yes. I'm sure there would be a different answer to this question.
Do you believe in an afterlife?
Yes, he does. It's really annoying the way he used to yap on about Hades. He got a little confused sometimes and mixed that up with what Catholics believe in. He's not really with it all the time. All in all, he believes there's some sort of afterlife.
What is the most important value you can pass onto your child?
Learn to make people happy. He'd say.
Would you rather lead or follow? Why? What role do you see yourself playing out over your life, leader or follower?
For most of the time I've known him, he's been a very compitant leader. The only reason he isn't leader at this point in time is because I just happen to be better than him.
How do you handle disappointment?
Laughs it off.
Do you confront your problems head on, or ignore them until you have to do something? Do you procrastinate?
He'll confront 'em head on. Not always good. Because he can go and totally ruin something ... but sometimes, I guess, it's good.
Do you consider yourself to be adventurous?
I'd consider him to be.
Who has had the most influence on your life?
...apart from his sister? Possibly the Professors from Oxford, and, uh ... his Wing Commander.
Does heartache make you stronger?
I don't know. Has he ever had that happen?
If you won the equivalent of $2,000, and had to spend it, what would you spend it on?
He might hire lots of people to pretend to like him ... either that or go on one of those girly shopping-sprees.
What happened the first time you got drunk?
I can't tell you what happene the very first time. Once, though, he signed a legal agreement adopting one of the chaps from University. Luckily it was voided.
What makes you feel vulnerable and what makes you feel invulnerable, and why?
Vulnerable, when quite possibly he's been shot and injured and can't get back to a medical bay? Invulnerable? Oh ... I don't know, when I'm there to protect him?
What would you place in a personal ad if you were making one?
And I wouldn't put it past him.
Beautiful young male seeking equally beautiful young female who enjoys staying at home, watching soppy movies, going shopping - spending sprees ...
If I go on I may have to shoot myself, though.
OOC: I am going to stop there because it has taken me too long thus far.