Apr 15, 2004 22:27
I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more no less. ask me anything you want. then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
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Comments 18
2. If you could do ANYTHING regardless of any consequences and any lack of talent/skill you currently have, what would you do?
3. Without looking it up, what is the name of the monkey from Captain Planet?
2) I would probably rig the lotto, and I'll tell you why. If I won the lotto- I would be able to leave my shithole college and go someplace better. I'd be able to build my parents their home in Arkansas. I'd put my friends through college and I'd be able to help solve some of their problems. Plus, I'd be filthy stinking rich - so I'd be able to buy my way out of any problems I got into... actually no- much as people say that money changes you, I think I would stay largely the same. I'd still like to finish school and go into some worthwhile career, when I find one. I just want to be able to take care of the people that I care about.
3) It starts with an M... Mobley?
1. Have you ever loved?
2. Have you ever hated?
3. What song do you feel best expresses your feelings right now?
2) More often than I'd like. Not as often as some people think I do.
3) right now.. there are a few songs - I think Basket Case by Green Day will do
2.Would you ever summit your "Boys in the hood" article to The Sun-times or the Tribune?
3.Why did Buy the Weigh close??
2) If I ever thought of turning that article in I would try and fix some of the holes in it. I would certainly address some of the brilliant points made by Pedro Torres and Tony Magbenua, and whatever that other wiggers name was. - but yes, if I ever cleaned it up, I would have no reservations about sending it to a newspaper.
3) Buy the Weigh closed because you touch yourself at night when you think no one can see...but Jesus is watching. Or because of the economy isn't great and the owners are getting old and wanted out of a weakening business.
2) What reality show would you want to go on?
3) What do you think of Mel Gibson going back to being the Road Warrior in 2005 after the whole "Passion of the Christ" extravaganza?
2) I would go on Jeopardy, cause I am filled with useless knowledge that might come in handy. And I find Jeopardy to be far more like reality than shows like 'The Real World', or 'Survivor', or 'Big Brother' or those other crappy shows.
3) WHAT?!?!?!?! Mel is going back to Road Warrior?! I am sad for him. I hope Tina Turner is able to make another appearance. If she can't make it, I hope Ike can stop by the set...
Is Taylor Hanson a male or a female?...think about it before you answer. it's not as easy to figure out as one might think.
Who is the absolute coolest musician alive?(singer, composer, writer-etc...)
If you could buy one big-ticket item, what would it be and why?(a semi full of 10000000 male prostitutes i'm sure would be the obvious answer but lets move beyond the inappropriate....perv)
2) Alive, Bruce Springstein is definately near the top of the list. Badass extraordinaire and he's still kicking ass. He has yet to sell out for advertisement, even Dylan did, granted it was to walk around with beautiful women in their underwear...
3) I would buy the rights to The Beatles music. Even just for the sake of getting it out of the hands of Jacko, I'd be doing the world a favor. Putting some distance between The Beatles and child molesting is all I can hope to do for humanity. 'Bang Bang Maxwell Silver's hammer came down on her head!'...
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