I guess we all have our "Angie" man.. But things that are too good to be true, usually are. I've had dreams about my "Angie" before too, but hey, if anything, it just makes me happy to have them, but I have to realize that it isn't gonna happen anytime soon u know, so i'll keep on looking forward to other girls, and I know that I will find one that bites the cake so to speak. So don't waste your time in thinking over it, theres a world out there filled with wonderful people to meet even though they might not kome for a while. Fokus on your goals first, if anything, girls like succesful men, and if your goals kome true, u'll be filled with girl getting potential....lol... Take kare... Isn't this girl getting a little too much attention?...lol.. Just a thought... By the way, it kould help to talk to Angie to bring klosure or something, i guess.... u shouldn't lose a friend over this... C ya..
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