1.) En route to work traffic suddenly gets massively backed up. Two fire engines and two ambulances fly by, two helicopters fly in and hover over this spot in the distance. Turns out there was a huge accident involving an overturned semi truck and two SUVs.
2.) Upon arriving at my desk I find paperwork from my supervisor. It's printed out pages of applications I've entered from a month or two ago that I made mistakes on, and she is requesting my signature to confirm that I made these errors and I am the one responsible for them, and after signing off on each mistake I am to give them to my boss ASAP. Emphasis on "ASAP". Still don't know how well that went over with the boss lady.
3.) Okay, there's this diabetic woman who works on my floor who, may I note, is a dumb fuck and is well-known on our floor for eating things she knows she shouldn't be eating with her medical condition, but still does so because she "can't go without them" or "loves them too much". Well, she did it again this morning, got sick and puked in the trash can in the break room. Inopportune timing, because the maintenance guy takes out the trash in the afternoon. The puke trash can sat in the break room for about six hours. I had to take my fifteen-minute breaks in the cafeteria on the 3rd floor because the smell was so overpowering. Nobody even complained.
4.) Five minutes before I was due to leave work, my computer freezes. As a security measure, every employee is required to restart and lock their computer before leaving. My computer stayed frozen for twenty minutes. I couldn't leave until the problem had resolved itself, which was 15 minutes after I usually leave.
...And then there's some fail from my current favorite pasttime.
(Copypasta from me and Oos's IM on Windows Live:)
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*Well, obviously we have a troll on Nintendo Wi-Fi
*He's trollin' your battles, he's cussin' people out
Ike says:
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*Yeah I agreed to a trade last night with this guy on GPX
*And he gave me shit the whole time
Ike says:
*that's why I dont do that shit
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*And he got even more pissed off after I traded him the Pokemon
*You see, in my Platinum file I have a few Pokes that were traded from my Soul Silver ROM when I was still playing it before I got the official English version, all their names are in Japanese, etc
*He wanted some of these "Japanese Pokemon", namely one that had a ground- or fairy- egg type because he intended on breeding it
*So I traded him a Skitty I got from a Japanese player on GTS
*The whole time he's complaining about shit like "I've been in the wi-fi room for 20 minutes" and "oh I didn't know you were a girl"
Ike says:
*That's why I only trade with my friends
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*Then as soon as he gets the Skitty he FREAKS THE FUCK OUT
*And here's why
Ike says:
*yeah dont trade with people you dont know
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*If it was physically possible to strangle people over a wireless connection, I was about ready to do so when he made the comment about me being a girl
*He sounded both really disappointed and borderline pissed off
Ike says:
*XD again, thats why I only trade over the GTS and with friends
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*And on top of that I got the obligatory gb/2/kitchen
*Before he signed off
Ike says:
*that's kinda lame, but that kinda stuff is expected
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*Because apparently "every girl that plays Pokemon only plays it for the story and the hot guys and shit and all they talk about is 'oh I would love to see so-and-so fuck so-and-so up the ass' and draw and write all this shit about it"
Ike says:
*.....lol so
*every guy who plays only does it for the natures and competitive shit
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
Ike says:
*dude it's not a big deal D: the pokemon fanbase is just like that
Peace, Love, and Morty says:
*It just sucks that it seems like every person I trade with that's a GUY does that to me
*I'm steadily losing faith in the fact that there are guys that play Pokemon that aren't completely obsessive about stats/natures/etc
*Or that aren't diehard competitive battlers
Ike says:
*I figured that out a long time ago D:
Tequila sunrise, meet stomach. Get acquainted.