I was tagged

May 03, 2006 23:00

1. I am virtually done with school. A few AP exams left and i am done. I have an orange folder again. Not the "Most Important Folder of my Life" folder, but a new "To Do List" folder, stuffed with forms and invitations. That, and my planner, won't leave my side until June. It's time to start wrapping things up and winding things down. It's ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

megz642 May 4 2006, 03:31:22 UTC
I'm glad I tagged you!

And you know I'm going to have to stop by to see all you FFI lab assistants this summer. FFI 2006 campers don't know what they're getting themselves into.


josoul May 4 2006, 04:02:09 UTC
what does tagging me mean?!
Do I have to write eight things?


reybeltane May 4 2006, 21:50:26 UTC
I hope everything goes well for you, Alex. Good luck at nationals and I'll see you at prom, actually. oh man I'm excited!


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