OOC: Vote Saxon?

Feb 01, 2008 20:02

Based on one secret from Fandom Secrets. The one about writing in "Harold Saxon."

I know. I'm having Jack break the fourth wall here. But it was too much fun to resist!

You know the one thing that really, really gets me? People who would willingly vote for a megalomaniac time lord bent on genocide and destruction! Key word here? Willingly. If you have to think about why this is so wrong, then maybe you need a clue or two. Or three. Or maybe even four.

Vote Saxon?

What, are you convinced you're going to be in the third of the population that he's going to leave alive? I hate to break it to all of you-- but I know for a fact that I'm one of the only facts here. And to vote for Saxon as the lesser of two evils is bullshit. At least you can hold those other guys down in a court of law. And they kind of... sort of... care what you think. Because, you know, they ARE trying to get re-elected halve the time.

I understand the fact that, yeah, Harold Saxon is hot. And I still wouldn't wanna touch that with a ten and a half foot pole. And it's not because his heart is three sizes too small either.

Seriously, what part of he doesn't care if you live or die do you people not understand? Seriously, why would you pick him over me anyway? It's not like I've ever done anything that's killed... a significant number of people.

I've done nothing but try to protect you and save you some hassle with the time rift. That counts for something?

So, instead of writing in "Harold Saxon" why don't we write in "Jack Harkness?"

It'd be a hotter future for everyone!

ooc, prompt

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