Apr 15, 2006 01:32
Why is it i always seem to all for the ones i shouldnt?
Apr 11, 2006 01:42
I will never stop loving you. I may stop telling you but i wll never stop. You guys have helped me through so much. I cant not begin to tell you how much each of you truly mean to me.
Apr 09, 2006 11:37
Fuck man, is this a stab in the back. I dont know. I just wish i had that one line that explains everything.
Apr 02, 2006 04:37
How do you feel about love?
Can you love (and i mean really love) someone who does not love you at all and still be happy?
Mar 30, 2006 23:48
Its warming up again, and thatmeans one thing. FOotball. If anyone is interested in getting together to play some games, let me know.
Mar 30, 2006 01:42
Im fuckin tired of people flipping out at work over bull shit. You serve popcorn, the jobs not that stressful. So i didnt do something, big deal, its not like you cant do it either.
Mar 27, 2006 18:30
Craig smells so bad i dont want to go downstairs. Im tempted to pay him to get in the shower. Someone help me.