Title: Alfred's Moving Castle
Genre: Fantasy/ Crossover
Pairings: USxfem!UK; and in this chapter Spainxfem!Romano. There will be more later, but it would spoil a lot if I gave it away! (none of the other pairings are major, but I will be posting each additional pairing chapter by chapter.)
Rating/Warnings: G, human names are used exclusively,
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Comments 8
I can't really comment since I shouldn't be reading but working.
I will when I get the chance!!!
Yeah, no worries about reading the book. The biggest difference between the book and the movie are the amount of characters, the complexity of the plot, and the anti-war message in the movie.
Mmm, I see. I never really understood, you know. I am going to see if my library has it wheni go next :3
And is exactly like the book! I love this oh so much! *A*
And Spamano! *W*
It's a huge compliment though, so thanks a million! I'm glad you enjoyed the Spamano... and now I really want to write why Lovina got that hair...
I have up to part 6 in their first drafts so just editting and posting! :)
Thanks so much for your interest!
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