Just a warning-below entry could be upsetting particularly to animal lovers as it describes abuse. which is why Im asking for help to catch the man responsible. Its a request for signatures on a ipetition to stop and punish someone torturing and killing dogs in my area.
In my neighbourhood in the last 4-6 weeks someone has been stealing dogs and brutally torturing them before killing them and dumping the bodies. Another one was found last night and its becoming increasingly worrying to the community especailly as animal abuse is one of the triad of watch signs for escalation into violence against people.
The RSPCA wont do anything saying that "The dog is dead, there is nothing we can do to help." and the police wont investigate because the vet surgury that examined the lastest dog claimed its death was "accidental". Ive spoken to the man that found the dog and seen the pictures of the poor creature. It had been strangled with metal link chain to the point where the chain was imbedded two inches into its neck, all the way around, and had a plastic bag sealed over its head. Wow, what lovely opposable thumbs you have there.... Morons, so glad my vet isnt that one.
But there are animal lovers in my community who wont let this just go by. THeyve set up a fund for donations for a reward for info and to pay for a post mortom on the dog privately. THere is also a petition to name/shame the police into collecting cctv footage/ and set up an official request for information. THus far its been done via a facebook community that been set up, and with homemade signs tacked up around my area with requests for information or just simply "We Will Find You".
My request is simple. If you would like to help, or can help I would ask you to go to this site and sign the petition that will be presented to the Police. Its up to nearly 5000 names and so any help would be so appreciated. Everyone in my area is angry and scared. People are terrified to walk their dogs or leave them in their backyeards or at a dog hitch outside the supermarket. Theya lso worry about their own safety- from a couple of witness accounts this guy is big and strong. The dump sites for the bodies are becoming more blatant which psychologically NOT GOOD
So if you can add your name, it would be so appreciated!
Petition for Billy