OMFG, WHO KILLED DEAN O'DELL? I love Dean O'Dell. I'm actually really angry. Also, I definitely suspect Tim. Crazy, bizarro, creepy Tim. We'll see. (Nick thinks it was Dick.)
I LOVE PIZ WITH ALL OF MY HEART. Also, I suddenly find myself shipping Piz/Mac, as opposed to Piz/V. Hmm. I think it's because I finally got to see all of seasons 1 and 2, and I actually like Logan and V/L now. Of course, Logan has to break up with Veronica as soon as I start shipping them. Oh, that reminds me:
LOGAN + BASEBALL BAT + COP CAR = LOVE. Really. I have this intense love/hate relationship with Logan's character. Last night? Mostly love.
Also, HIATUS? WHYYYYYYYYY??? This sucks.