Gas went up 20 cents within the span of a day. $2.88 was the highest it got today, and I'm sure it will get higher tomorrow. My dad is freaking out because we have a 20 mile drive into Spokane. I drive 45 min. to work. I pay for my own gas, but still.
Rant, rant )
Comments 3
Yesterday I heard on the news the the big stations are rising the price for 1 liter super gas for 8 cents... to € 1,39. I was lucky - I did only pay € 1.299 € yesterday. Today the prices area higher here, too.
And I heard now that because gas is needed in USA its bought in Europe and prices rise again.
Oh - and babyelefant did the math in another entry and said she had to pay €1,39 per liter since today and
dun dun dun
that's $6,43 per gallon
No, it doesn't make me feel that much better. Not when I'm paying almost $35 for gas per week, when I used to only pay $17. (driving the same distance, mind you.) I obviously need to learn how to fly... that would make my life so much easier, if not more fun.
It's very bad that one is depending on the car to get to work.
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