Because Ben & Co. Made this

Jul 06, 2004 18:50

name: Keith Causin
age: 20
sex: Sadly no. or Male.
location: Queens/Long Island. At the moment, my bedroom.
eye color: Blue/Grey/Hazel - it depends on the day of the week, or the weather or something. My drivers liscense says grey.
do you like donna summers? Not particularly.
pimp: a good or bad thing? meh. The authentic sort that beats up prostitutes and such is obviously bad. the slang usage? meh.
word you are most uncomfortable saying? I can't really think of one word...
most over-rated trend of the last 18 months? Let's make it 18 years, and say Republicanism.
your favorite acronym? LIPC because they give me money every 2 weeks. :)
hottest actor of your sex? Hmm... I dunno... the ladies do seem to swoon for that tobey maguire...
do you message board?
if so how many do you frequent? Oh yes indeedle. Over the course of my lifetime, I've frequented... lets say 4 MB's. And racked up a solid 20,000 posts between them I'd wager.
how many websites do you check daily? A LOT. Too many to count. Nowadays...
2 MB's. Friends LJ's, a circuit of MP3Blogs like my own, the Filters (Meta & Monkey. A few News sites, a few random link sites and such.... a few others. It takes me about an hour or so to do my daily rounds.
are you satisfied with you sex organs? I suppose. I don't know why I'd be DISsatisfied...
secert hobbies? i don't think any of my hobbies are that secret.
favorite brand of water? Bottled Water Brand Loyalty baffles me.
most important ethos? Do right by people. nothing complicated.
i love to hate: hipsters.
friends: love 'em or hate 'em?why would I hate my friends? Unless you mean that TV show in which case, HATE HATE HATE.

Have you ever killed an organism in the "animal kingdom" and eaten it, in part or in whole, raw?No. No I have not. Unless eating bugs as a 4 year old counts.
If yes, what was said organism? bugs as a 4 year old?
Have you ever farted and sneezed at the same time? I'm sure I have, but damned if I can remember it.
Have you ever been to lame question. People reading this who don't know? Spare yourselves.
Do you have any bills that you have to pay yourself? Yup. Quite a few actually.
Have you ever been accused, justly or unjustly, of flooding almost an entire floor under toilet water? Yes. Yes I have.
Have you ever electrocuted yourself? I've given myself small shocks, but never full on electrocution. The worst was I accidentally zapped myself with the current from a car battery - my finger twitched for a few hours, and that was that.
Does pooping feel good to you? It can.
How long do you take to poop? it can take as little as 2 minutes, as much as half an hour. Depends what i ate.

(this is a Harry Potter reference, so if you don't get it- you suck)If you were to see a Boggart, what shape would it take? aka whats your worst fear? I guess I suck.
What is your secret dream job that you are too ashamed to tell people? I'm not ashamed to tell anyone. I have my dream job. I'm an organizer. The only part that isn't my dream is, 1) the pay, and 2) the issues. But these things will come with time. The only other options I see in my future are running for office, or working in the music industry, doing A&R or somesuch. I lack the ruthlessness for the former, and the connections for the latter.
Kleenex or Tissue? It's a TISSUE. Kleenex is a fuckign BRAND NAME people.
Pop or Soda? I drink it not, but to call it pop is blasphemy anyway.
One thing that you would change about your past Hard to say. If I changed something, who could tell where the ripples would send me? would I end up where I am?
If you could do___________ over again, what would you change? let's say the blank is Hamilton. I'd say "Not flunk out", but I can't say I'm not, in some ways, happier for having ended up where I am.
(fill in blank and answer)
Is the light orange or yellow? Green!!! (or yellow. Orange lights are for construction warnings)
High school: miss it, glad its done? Glad to be done, but there was a wave of nostaligia when i first moved back home.
Do you keep in touch with three or more high school friends? Yes. Yes I keep in touch with quite a few of them.

finish the sentence section:
sexual experience... Whazzat?
lyrics that describe you perfectly (not a whole song asshole nobody reads a whole song)... well, Ideally, I'd post the entirety of Talking Heads, "Life During Wartime" - which, for some reason, perfectly describes my place in life right now, line for line. As it is, I'll settle with this little segment of it:
Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send a postcard,
I can't write nothing at all
best phrase... Rock on. - or at least, i say it often enough.
talking is... overrated.
a sound... is hearrd.
body part you hate... My gut.
the best day... of the week is tuesday. Don't ask me why.
if you were stuck in a high school from an 80's movie, you would be in ____ clique probably either the nerds, or that bunch of cooler than thou outsiders who listened to the Smiths and stuff...
the person i got this from will marry... Barring unspeakable catastrophe, I think the answer to this is fairly obvious. (I got this from Ben......)

first favorite state or commonwealth i loves Noo yawk.
second favorite albumMy Second Fave album ever? Hmm... Talking Heads - More Songs about Buildings and Food.
third favorite movie The Usual Suspects.
fourth favorite television show Sealab.
fifth favorite writer Herb Asbury - The American herodotus.
sixth favorite band The Fiery Furnaces are rapidly earning that spot, but they aren't quite there yet. For now, Bad Brains holds on tenaciously.
seventh favorite book Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig.
eigth favorite ice cream flavor I only like 1 Ice cream flavor enough to consider it favorite. Anything else is just, "I'll eat that"
ninth favorite website I'm not counting that far back.
tenth favorite quote "Fuck off" - Dick Cheney...

lifestyles (answer with appropriate response):
prescribed drugs When Prescribed.
other drugs The only one I'm not morally opposed to is weed. But I've personal, physical disagreements there - the whole smoking it thing...
booze Can be fun. And tasty. Hate beer though.
cigarrets dislike.
cigars hate.
carbs mmmm.... pasta... bread..... carb junkie here.
fat Why don't ya take a look at me sometime?
cholesterol Surprisingly, mine isn't high.
sex before marriage I'd like that, yes.
abortion Not my choice to make. Legalize and discourage.
to fight or not to fight (if drafted would you dodge) Depends on the conflict. The current war? No. I'd be one of the folks organizing sit ins at the draft board.
to fight or not to fight in iraq HELL NO I WON'T GO.
stealing Nope.
pirating (internet kind, not the kind with eye patches) YARR!
marriage Someday.
kids Let's get past marriage first.
adoption Burn that bridge when i get there.

what is midnight in a perfect world? I have no idea. Why must it be perfection?
post a phrase from a favorite piece of literature (be it prose or poetry) and explain its significance. I'll get back to ya here.
how do you feel about pirating (WITH the eyepatch) Only if Lasers are involved.
the most breathtaking piece of music you've ever heard? i still recoil with awe every time I listen to London Calling straight through.

do you have self condfidence in:
academics - Self confidence in ability to pass? yea. In ability to do shit on time and such? No.
work Enough.
with friends yea. I think so.
with opposite sex No. Not at all.
with same sex huh?

what do u feel to be the most underrated:
movie Purple Rain
actor Dunno.
actress Couldn't say.
song (can't be indie) Foo Fighters- Hero.
musical artist (can't be indie) does Tom Waits count as Indie? if he does, then the Foo Fighters.

most overrated:
movie Lost in Translation. It's just one big love letter to the French new Wave.
actor I don't really...
actress ... pay attention to movie stars
song (can be indie) Hey Ya. It's ALL HOOKS, and Catchy as hell, but ENOUGH already.
musical artist (can be indie) Either the Killers, or Ratatat.
book Dan Brown bullshit.
author Tolstoy.

what is something that you would like people to know about you but you are afraid to say? I'm pretty damned forthright I think.

do you feel that the image people have of you is probably true to who you are? Sometimes.

then what is the most glaring fault in that image? I'm too... loud? abrasive? Vocal about what I care about?

Have you ever pooped green? If so, why? - ben, you are strange. And NO.
How many ground blizzards have you been in? How is a Ground Blizzard different from a Blizzard? I've been in LOTS of blizzards.
How many evil ex-gfs/bfs do you have? Only one ex GF to begin with, and I haven't seen her in 5 or 6 years... soooooo..... She's more evil than good though...
How many good ex-gfs/bfs do you have? 0
If you were a type of bacteria, what would you be? Bovine Flesh Eating Bacteria. Mmmmmmm.... Burgers.
If you were a type of blizzard, what would you be? (hint: Ground) Umm... there's kinds?

Have you ever pooped orange?No. No I have not. Ben, you are strange.
Have you ever pooped red? (not bloody pooping, that's just disgusting and no one wants to know about that. I mean legit pooping red from some unGodly food you've eaten) See above.
Have you ever pooped and *not* pee'd? Yes.

audience participation: do i come off as a jerk or jackass or something like that, or as some pathetic person, or just an all around great guy?

I am such a loser.
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