Resistance is Futile...

Nov 05, 2009 00:30

 Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."

• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity

• Update your journal with the answers to the questions

• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions (I'll also answer more, if asked)

1. If you could close your eyes & open them in a completely different place, where would you choose to go?
Your bedroom! *wink wink* Um, I dunno really. Maybe on the West End Stage.. OMG NO! THE TARDIS! (with Ten). 
2. You're stuck in a lift with Bradley James. What do you do?
What don't I do?! Seriously, though, knowing me, probably gush and make an idiot of myself. "OMG Bradley James I love you, I mean I love your work, not that I don;t love you I think you're extremly hot, not that I stalk you or anything...God!"
3. You have a lot of quotes in your profile. What's your favourite quote ever & why?
I HEART QUOTES. Um. I pretty much love the "Be who you are because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter" from Dr Seuss, but as a general saying I love 'You Only Live Once'... but I muxhly love loads of quotage.
4. If you could give one piece of advice to your thirteen year old self what would it be?
Oh God! I LOVE this question btw. Um, Probably to get more involved with friends and stuff at school, more plays etc... work harder! I kind of lapsed around that age. I'd tell myself to stop stressing. I'd tell myself that between then and now there are some CRAPPY times, but there are some amazing ones, and to just keep my head high. I would tell myself to not take my mum for granted so much. (And that one day I'm going to meet an amazing girl called Paula, who I really connect with and think I will be friends with forever, all because of TEH INTERNET and ALIENS.)
5. And because I can't resist... if you had to spend a day with the real Rhys what would you spend it doing?
Rhys the character? I'd probably take him for ice cream. Maybe show him around my hometown. I'd caht to him and tell him how awesome he is and not to underestimate himself, and how much I loved his (sort of) friend Ianto :'(
Kai Owen? I would also gush. Sort of as in Q2!!


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