Too much jibba, not a lot of jabba

Jun 07, 2003 13:33

Five details about your appearance right now.
[x] Wearing mostly blue
[x] No five o' clock shadow
[x] Grinning
[x] Shoeless
[x] Wearing urban camo (Jeans and a shirt)

Five things you did today.
[x] Used "zombie" or "Mr. T" 5 or more times when chatting.
[x] Slept for a few hours
[x] Listened to the DDR Extreme megamix
[x] Visited Cherim
[x] Scanned a few forums

Five things that everyone should know about you.
[x] I like attention
[x] I sometimes know what I'm doing. Don't ask when.
[x] I'm somewhere in between an INFP and an ENFP
[x] I like listening to people's problems
[x] I tend to not take things seriously

Five groups/artists you listened to yesterday.
[x] Missing Heart
[x] Kraftwerk
[x] System of a Down
[x] Stabbing Westward

Five things that make you happy.
[x] Making something
[x] Being with the people I like
[x] Being entertained
[x] Finishing something I started
[x] Meddling

Five things that disgust you.
[x] Unreasonable people
[x] Pessimism
[x] People who try too hard to be "unique"
[x] Our educational system
[x] Exposed brains

Five things you can't live without.
[x] Good food
[x] Good friends
[x] Humor
[x] Adventure
[x] Hope

Five things you'll do when you complete this
[x] Remember to fix lunch
[x] Chat with a few friends
[x] Read a book
[x] Play DDR at the arcade
[x] Attain enlightenment

Five things you feel right now...
[x] Hungry...oh so hungry
[x] Relaxed
[x] Somewhat tired
[x] The keyboard
[x] Amused

Ok! New rule! Eveyone that answers this quiz should add a new category!

Five weirdest things you've ever eaten...
[x] Uncooked ramen
[x] Cheese puffs with spray cheese
[x] An energy bar(Cardboardy!)
[x] Bear meat
[x] Mashed potatoes mixed with Velveeta (Hey, I couldn't think of anything else)

[NEW!] Five quotes that you enjoy...
[x] "If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
[x] "Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is." -Albert Camus
[x] "If you think a thing is impossible, you'll make it impossible." -Bruce Lee
[x] "Rule six: There is no rule six." -Monty Python
[x] "If it ain't broke, I'll break it. If it is broke, I'll fix it." -Trickster Mage, M:tG

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