When I stayed with my language partner Nana during the snow storm, she gave me some natto to try. For those of you who have never seen or experienced the legend of natto, it truly is a legend. Think along the lines of Vegemite or something-- a food cherished by its country but seen as so bizzare/foreign/potentially replusive to others that it is somewhat of a novelty.
Natto is fermented soybeans. It has a very strong, strong, strong smell, somewhat like permanent markers, ammonia, and shoyu. i tried it. i gave it a chance.. it was interesting. i didnt have a direct hatred for it, just a sort of culinary confusion. Anyhow, i decided i wasn't sure how i felt about the flavor yet, but realized very quickly that my upper lip was hot on the right side and it began to swell up and feel strange. Now, today, i'm left with a familiar, annoying, sandy feeling. This all happened exactly
to a tee when i was when Nana gave me dango.
I'm not sure what the common element is in this, aside from soy-- and first off, that cannot be the case, because 273% of my food intake consists of soy, and it also cannot be because without it, i would positively die. ;)